Rate your battleground experience.

What does the community feel about new battleground?
Do u enjoy playing the mode? How has been the experience?
Do u enjoy playing the mode? How has been the experience?
Rate your battleground experience. 191 votes
1. No champion refill cost so we can use a champ unlimited number of times
2. Fights made simpler with no annoying nodes
What can be better
1. Energy cost should be lower
2. Rank rewards for all the player
3. Find a way to stop the Modders who r ruining the experience
4. Occasional screen freeze and screen blackout problem has to be fixed
5. Wrong champs getting selected sometimes
My latest fight lol
Beta #5 has taken away my excitement for battlegrounds.
Hope kabam bring a banding into the game mode to make match-ups fairer and much more enjoyable
Ya this is one more thing that has tl be worked on. Too many uneven matchups.
Too bad it’s being ruined by their complete lack of ability to deal with modders.
At the start of a ladder, people will always get crushed until rating stabilize.
Rewards are very grindy.
Also this time I have a lot more freezes in selecting phase
Also, one QOL suggestion would be to make the current champion you have highlighted be auto-picked when timer runs out. No reason it should pick randomly when you have one highlighted.
[Names removed as per forum rules]
If Kabam just ignore the obvious cheaters it'll mean Kabam clearly has no way to catch the more discrete cheaters (instead of finishing the fight with 99-100% hp with suicide unfriendly champs, they cheat by making themselves finish with 80-90% hp) with 10- 30 second round finish.
It's fun when it's fair. Guy did a r3 Nimrod in 7 hits in 19 seconds. R3 Nimrod as well.