
We need to talk about Heimdall

Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 609 ★★★★
edited July 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
So I think it’s safe to assume with the image below, that heimdall is getting buffed (or should I say rebalanced).

Kabam, I’m not asking for you to make him the best champion in game, or even a great champion. Just make him GOOD and USABLE.

With recent “buffs” I.e. Jane Foster. We’ve been left to ask ourselves. Why?

What is the point in making such minor changes to a champ, and putting all that time in. If they are just going to be as useless and forgotten as they were before.

Please, do something meaningful with heimdall.

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    I think they just do this with different champs? But if he is getting buffed, meh
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,079 ★★★★★

    I think they just do this with different champs? But if he is getting buffed, meh

    I like Heimdall 😔.
    I'm glad he's getting his due.
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    GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Posts: 788 ★★★★
    If I have to give Heimdall credit for anything, it's that his SP2 is incredibly annoying on defense

    But sadly that's it ignoring his synergies
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    Khellendros138Khellendros138 Posts: 537 ★★★

    All that I can ask is that they change is AI to not throw heavy attacks every 2 seconds

    Dude right?! It's not even a "tricky" heavy or anything. You see it a mile away. It just makes things last much longer than they need to.
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,676 ★★★★★

    He needs to proc bleeds, how does he have a sword but don't make you bleed?

    That’s sadly a trend in game. Magik, Angela, G99, Hulkling are all sword wielders. But not bleeders.

    There may be others, but that’s all I can think of right now.

    Dr. Zola
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    GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Posts: 788 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    He needs to proc bleeds, how does he have a sword but don't make you bleed?

    That’s sadly a trend in game. Magik, Angela, G99, Hulkling are all sword wielders. But not bleeders.

    There may be others, but that’s all I can think of right now.

    Dr. Zola
    I could argue Psylocke
    BPCW... kinda (he has claws that he strikes with, but only his SP1 causes bleed iirc)

    ...can I count Blade?
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,918 ★★★★★
    I chose this champ over Hyperion and Aegon, so hopefully the "buff" coming will be good. But then, looking at the few recent ones ... I think forget about it.
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    PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Because he's uncle heimdall and he gifted a toy sword to Angela as a gift. As for the buffs well after a disappointing month I am expecting it to be the lowest lol
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    CederCeder Posts: 668 ★★★
    Josh2507 said:

    So I think it’s safe to assume with the image below, that heimdall is getting buffed (or should I say rebalanced).

    Kabam, I’m not asking for you to make him the best champion in game, or even a great champion. Just make him GOOD and USABLE.

    With recent “buffs” I.e. Jane Foster. We’ve been left to ask ourselves. Why?

    What is the point in making such minor changes to a champ, and putting all that time in. If they are just going to be as useless and forgotten as they were before.

    Please, do something meaningful with heimdall.

    Arena maybe? Plus he doesn't need a buff
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    TyphoonTyphoon Posts: 1,761 ★★★★★
    Ceder said:

    Josh2507 said:

    So I think it’s safe to assume with the image below, that heimdall is getting buffed (or should I say rebalanced).

    Kabam, I’m not asking for you to make him the best champion in game, or even a great champion. Just make him GOOD and USABLE.

    With recent “buffs” I.e. Jane Foster. We’ve been left to ask ourselves. Why?

    What is the point in making such minor changes to a champ, and putting all that time in. If they are just going to be as useless and forgotten as they were before.

    Please, do something meaningful with heimdall.

    Arena maybe? Plus he doesn't need a buff
    I would be interested in hearing why you think Heimdall does not need a buff.
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    KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Posts: 1,213 ★★★★
    Getting excited before a buff goes live is almost as foolish as ranking the champ up before the buff goes live. Almost. 👀 lol
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    Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Posts: 788 ★★★
    Giving him permanent true accuracy would be a good start. A little more damage (e.g. bleed) and I think it he would be "good enough" given his synergies.

    Beware: Mess with his synergies though... and prepare for a revolt!
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    LorddrewLorddrew Posts: 297 ★★
    Look at OG Thor, and Odin even after his buffs... you really think heimdall would be stronger in this game then those 2?
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,102 ★★★★★

    Giving him permanent true accuracy would be a good start. A little more damage (e.g. bleed) and I think it he would be "good enough" given his synergies.

    Beware: Mess with his synergies though... and prepare for a revolt!

    No, you know that's never going to happen with the True Accuracy, we'll just end up in another Moleman situation when it eventually goes south.

    Upping his damage when its active would be an easier solution, similar to his SP2 being unlockable.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,263 ★★★★★
    Just let each hit of his heavy bank 1 buff and increase his buff potency.
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