If you’re qualifying OG as the first year of the game, then I’ll go with Mags, Magik, and Storm. I think Storm’s buff was one of the only recent successful ones, and she is exactly where she deserves to be in the game in terms of how good she is
Spider-Man and juggs really enjoyed his unstoppable along time ago before there was a lot of counters for him I remember beta war there was a5* duped juggs in war and we couldn’t even dent him
OG Thor never buffed only nerfed and still decent. Sure there’s better first year champs but there buffs pretty much make champs from the year of there buff imo.
I use ultron and colossus very regularly so I’d have to go with one of them. I’d pick Hyperion but not sure he is really OG, he was the first champion I got from a featured arena grind (as a four star before he had a five star version).
Dr. Zola
So fun to mash your opponent! Never play with game sound on to avoid squawks!
Storm, Colossus, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch
OG Spidey was my first champ, i love Spidey but he sucks here!
I’d pick Hyperion but not sure he is really OG, he was the first champion I got from a featured arena grind (as a four star before he had a five star version).
Second would be OG Vision and then a third nostalgic placement for Mr. Drax
If no, I follow the thoughts of others and I pick Magik.
If this is correct (cannot confirm) then I’d say BP or Colossus.