Thoughts on new featured 6 star crystal

One of the most interesting crystals ever released most of the champs aare pretty good... only duds I see are Mephisto, Modok and Drax(can't see him). The rest of the pool is really interesting and the new pool of champs are pretty good. I rate this crystal 8 out of 10...

My main problem is I have a high percentage of the non-featured champs, but if I didn't I'd say this was a decent featured.
But Kabam doe not seem to want to be inventive on the topic of crystals.
Personally, I am over with the featured crystals when the result was a duped Black Panther Civil War, the worst of the previous batch. With 3 openings on the last batch and no recent champion, the extra cost was a pure waste of shards.
Beyond that, you've got Havok, Corvus, Thing, Black Panther, Elsa, Howard, and Spider-Gwen who are all really good champions. Not at the top of their class but I don't think anyone should be disappointed by pulling them (at least as first-time pulls or initial dupes). I think a fair few of them are pretty underappreciated.
And then you've got a collection of newer champions that form possibly the strongest no-dud streak we've seen in the game for a very long time.
There aren't any Dooms, Nick Furys or Human Torches in the crystal which is a shame, but that doesn't mean it's a bad crystal. In fact, given that most of the "bad" champions are annoying defenders, there are very few champions in the crystal that I consider outright bad pulls that I have absolutely no need of or inclination to rank up in the future.
Of course, your mileage may vary, especially if you're not really into Battlegrounds. But I am, so I like what I'm seeing.