Quicksilver has some cool specials, BUT: (1) Long specials are annoying to play against (like DDHK's eternal SP1) (2) Evade/dexing his special is gonna be confusing and potentially annoying.
WOW. Quicksilver looks AMAZING! Seeing speed animations when he makes contact with a champion looks amazing too. Hope he makes an impact on the game like Herc did, can't wait to see his full kit.
No idea who galan is but he looks awesome. Champs this month look like they are going to kill it.
Omg Psycho man!!! Glad my boy appears, then this month's eq will be interesting. I've expected more than Galaan...not about his height and all but about his specials and basic hits... for example I dont understand why instead of a freaking planet, he summons only a rock, a rock! And about the sp2 well it's not bad but gaining Furies,doing Incenerates just feels generic, I like The harvest and plantery mass charges I think it's called and I wonder what these do,but could be cool if instead of Incinerates it was like... Cosmic radiation debuffs or something. His sp3 is pretty cool but confusing, after consuming the opponent they appear by his hand? I guess its like he consumed their energy then just get them out... but still weird. Also wanted him to use the Power cosmic without his Staff for some hits.
I pray to god he will have a Herald pre fight abillity Pls make him brokenly good
Now regardless I'm very hyped and happy and wanna r4 this guy but these are my thoughts
I need that Galan and Quicksilver now. Also what is that weapon Galan is holding?
It's a staff that allows him to summon Planets and suns, I think that's for his hunger... this Galactus is Environmentally friendly you see? He dosent want to Consume planets with many lives in it, I think.
And yet,using the staff in his sp1 he summons a freaking ROCK,not a planet
(1) Long specials are annoying to play against (like DDHK's eternal SP1)
(2) Evade/dexing his special is gonna be confusing and potentially annoying.
No idea who galan is but he looks awesome. Champs this month look like they are going to kill it.
Very excited!
I've expected more than Galaan...not about his height and all but about his specials and basic hits... for example I dont understand why instead of a freaking planet, he summons only a rock, a rock! And about the sp2 well it's not bad but gaining Furies,doing Incenerates just feels generic, I like The harvest and plantery mass charges I think it's called and I wonder what these do,but could be cool if instead of Incinerates it was like... Cosmic radiation debuffs or something. His sp3 is pretty cool but confusing, after consuming the opponent they appear by his hand? I guess its like he consumed their energy then just get them out... but still weird.
Also wanted him to use the Power cosmic without his Staff for some hits.
I pray to god he will have a Herald pre fight abillity
Pls make him brokenly good
Now regardless I'm very hyped and happy and wanna r4 this guy but these are my thoughts
Also what is that weapon Galan is holding?
Not be able to see all those “flash streaks” of his ? Or just cause the game to crash a lot more often ?
But looks cool.
And yet,using the staff in his sp1 he summons a freaking ROCK,not a planet
The most powerful Being in the contest has a cameo in quicksilvers sp3