please clear this once for all

Please mod can u tell us on what bases the war matchmaking is decide....
because definetly it is not decide on war rating anymore.... looks like some new system is added to to war match up...
can u tell us on what bases it is decided...
Alliance prestige or alliance rating ???
because definetly it is not decide on war rating anymore.... looks like some new system is added to to war match up...
can u tell us on what bases it is decided...
Alliance prestige or alliance rating ???
if it is on war rating we wud get perfect war matching as per that... but sinc last 2 weeks it is not as per war rating...
seems it a glitch in match making which need a fix....
Used to only be on War Rating.
I really want to believe this is the case, but the last 5 or so wars (at least from the perspective of my alliance) dont make any sense. We have been hypothesizing that prestige might be a part of AW matchmaking now and here is why: Our alliance is ranked only 11.4 million give or take but we have an average prestige of around 5400. Our last 5 wars have been against the following: 13.6 mill, 12.8 mill, 14.3 mill, 12.9 mill and 14.1 mill. Not once were we even close to a single alliance we have faced over the past 5 wars. Sure, I get that match-ups vary..... but 5 in a row? AW rating is all over the place, some are as high as 250 AW rating points higher than us and some as low as 200 below.
In my opinion, none of this adds up and it is becoming increasingly hard to win wars against alliance with rosters of 13mill +
And I have sent a production invoice to netmarble for some 3rd party work, so technically I "work" for the company.
not even a single mod is ready to reply about the new system of war match... why they beimg quite...
so the question that needs to be answered is, what exactly is that range and how do the tiers change this range.
they are not even interested to tell us...they reading our post but keeping silent on the topic of matchmaking...
it getting annoying... again from last 7 wars being matching up with ally wer we are no by near to their alliance pi rating....
i think they are giving advantage to top allies with the new system of match making.
"There ARE a lot of errors there, mate."
@Ad0ra_ can you please help to clear this
it will be helpfull for the community