Is there any chance to get a refund for Unstoppable Colossus? Or will there be?

First.. I don't regret buying my 5 or 6* UC..... however, as loyalty piled up and I had nothing to use it on.. I do regret duping them both multiple times.....
That being said.. with the loyalty store change... could Kabam possibly give people a chance to defacto "rank down" their UC .. IE refund 1 or 2 purchases of the 5* or 6* champ via the old "sell champ" system? This would be a massive pro player move and make a lot of people happy.
My reasoning on why? (not just a request here lol)... I'm viewing the loyalty store update as a complete meta change for the game. As such, the value of loyalty is now completely different than it was previously. If people knew this change was coming, most wouldn't have made the purchases they did. Happy to hear other opinions......
That being said.. with the loyalty store change... could Kabam possibly give people a chance to defacto "rank down" their UC .. IE refund 1 or 2 purchases of the 5* or 6* champ via the old "sell champ" system? This would be a massive pro player move and make a lot of people happy.
My reasoning on why? (not just a request here lol)... I'm viewing the loyalty store update as a complete meta change for the game. As such, the value of loyalty is now completely different than it was previously. If people knew this change was coming, most wouldn't have made the purchases they did. Happy to hear other opinions......
It’s similar to you ranking up a 6* Spiderman, then you find out 6* Scorpion is much better. You used the materials on Spiderman, but now you want a refund because Scorpion is available.
The fact of the matter is you’re going to have to save up your loyalty again.
in that case should i be able to get 3000 worth of cav crystals back because a new champ cav pack was released?
2 months later the price is slashed in half ... "well I want my half back"
Adjusted for inflation too thanks.
You’re basically saying that you want the dealer to take your car back because the dollar went up in value.
Not to mention that an awakening gem is paragon only item, and paragon equal the value of 3 r4 champs.
Eitherway, the game evolves, and item values change every day. You can't ask the game to refund you every overpriced, at the moment, item, because when you got em they weren't.
And last but not least, UC as a trophy, not that crucial or beneficial to a players enjoyment of playing the game remains as such, with the same price, same purpose. A nice, or not, addition of a unique champ. If you bought him, tough luck. I also did, with the compensation loyalty 2 months ago. I regret my decision now, but that's how it is, that's how games work.
You're not entitled to a return or refund just because of this new addition and you have buyers remorse.
Any company can make changes at any time to any of their services without your approval and they don't owe you a thing. You chose to buy a trophy champ that you'll never use, live it with it.
Then the announcement dropped. Can't recall which happened first.
So, now I am thinking whether a T5CC selector or an arena UC gives more value.
I absolutely understand people being salty about Kabam making useless resources valuable after you've already used them, thinking they were never going to have any relevancy. In fact, I think they're entitled to feel salty about it. When Kabam gave everyone a million loyalty as part of the compensation a while back, they could have said, hey, head's up, we're looking into changing the loyalty store in the future. You might want to hold on to this and not spend it on whatever is in the store at the moment.
But they didn't.
That said, I think it's ultimately a good thing for the game to find a use for those things. I think everyone - buyers of UC or not - will be better off with a proper Loyalty store. The thing that sets this store apart from the whole trade-in store mess last year is that this is a permanent fixture now, unlike the trade-in store. Even if you've spent your loyalty and can't buy anything at this moment, you will be able to spend it as soon as you earn enough. That's not the case with the trade-in store. It's coming back this month but without the option to trade in those awakening gems. Chances are that trade-in store comes back the same time as last year (if at all). That's not a very reliable system, whereas the Loyalty store is.
The people who saved up their loyalty are going to get a head start, but considering how expensive everything is in the store, it won't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. They'll be able to pick up one awakening gem or some t4 materials more, but after that, we'll be on an even playing field again and we'll all be able to enjoy a store that finally gives us a use for all of that previously useless currency that we're always racking up anyway.
Now I have bought and duped the 6*, however I am hoarding loyalty instead of spending because I know they are bound to release a 7*.