Can't connect, AGAIN!! What is going on..... seriously
Guys, I decided to finally register.......last straw here. There has to be an intervention. What gives? Why do you care so little about the community that you won't listen to feedback. After all the issues you will not compensate Android users, much less anyone else. It costs you NOTHING. It gains a little customer appreciation and possibly some trust back from your hard core end game base. Why has the game been absolute garbage since 12.2? Seemed like after the debacle of 12.0, you caught on and actually listened and tried making amends with customers. I was actually impressed with how you handled it.....just to change it BACK to 12.0, and claim you lost all data so it would have to remain crappy until 13 sometime? Now not only is the game ridiculous to play half the time....with the random parry and evade the other thousand ADMITTED bugs throughout the forums, but half the time you can't even play!?!. You realize how many people (myself included) who were running arena for SL or Voodoo..... you have any idea how much of a difference that a loss of 10+ hours of game time makes!?! Well, I didn't get SL..... anyway. Alot of people spend hard earned money on the game to advance and attempt to work around the bugs......crazy that you seemingly don't really care at all for your customers. Maybe you do, but the community woukd never know. Actions speak louder than empty posts claiming you are working on things. Dont even let me get started on act 5.2 rewards and etc........ Look...It all boils down to....what is the deal guys? What is REALLY going on? Have you all just given up on us and the game? We absolutely deserve to know.
Yours truly,
A very concerned Contest of Champions community
Yours truly,
A very concerned Contest of Champions community
Need to spend $ on units to revive if needed now.
What's up with the game?