Tranquility vs Power Drain immunity, which should win??
So I had noticed this during AQ and now in EOP Modoc; that when using hulkling, and I've heard King groot, who is immune to power drain and burn, that they still get drained when the timer expires... can we get clarification from kabam about this. How is it an immunity when it doesn't work? When a champ is immune to bleed, poison, shock, aar, or shuts down certain things due to its kit like Angela, nodes are included... so what's up? I'd like to know.
Tranquility itself isn’t a power drain. It’s a reset. While yes the pop up on screen during a fight might say power drain (honestly I don’t pay attention to it), it’s not functioning as a drain. They could rename it to “Power Reset” if they wanted to be absolutely accurate.
Being immune to power drain does not mean being immune to all possible mechanisms for lowering power. If that was the case, then when King Groot used special attacks his power wouldn't drop. Being immune to power drain effects doesn't mean he's immune to special attacks actually using his power. His power can go down, he is just specifically immune to power drain and power burn effects by name.
It is entirely possible, for example, that in some localization languages the call out for tranquility does not match the name of the effect referred to as power drain in English, because of translation glitches. Ironically, if that''s the case they would be more accurate.
An interesting one that came up recently and I put in a suggestion for with the QA team is the stun from Parry. As pointed out by some players, this stun has no call out at all. And that's probably because Parry predates the time when anyone cared about call out consistency. Tranquility might be another one of those I'll go bug someone about.
There are a few situations where there isn’t consistency with call outs, it would be something I’d like to see addressed to avoid confusion.
If devs and other players don't want people confused about these things, maybe they should fix some of these conflicts instead of just expecting people to assume the game is lying.
Hulkling just treats it like a nullify there when his buff is removed.
Although the question of what "actually happens" in the game engine is always a very complicated one, such that knowing the literal answer can be extremely misleading if you don't have sufficient context. For example, there's an incredibly convoluted story surrounding what is "purify." Even I don't know all the technical details, I just happen to be aware of the fact that there even is an incredibly complex technical story there. Short version: deep in the game engine there is a thing called Purify. It almost certainly doesn't exactly do what you think it does.
Programmers writing game engines rarely know exactly what will be built upon them, and programmers in general have a very loose relationship with human languages. That's why we are all stuck with explaining to players that "ability accuracy" has nothing to do with accuracy, while the rest of the known universe just calls this "proc chance" or "chance to trigger."
Thank god they didn't choose to call it "critical accuracy." I would hate to have to strangle a Canadian.