Disorient Immunity

Apoc is the only champ in the game to have disorient immunity
Disorient is a node that is getting pretty common in different areas of the game & IMO we should get a few more champs who can gain immunity to disorients
Disorient is a node that is getting pretty common in different areas of the game & IMO we should get a few more champs who can gain immunity to disorients
Edit - mordo is immune to passive modification. AA is immune to modification by opponent abilities. Not sure who else may qualify
Disorient is a purely defensive mechanic & is quite troublesome at some places
It's on 2 paths & 1 mini boss in AW, at least 1 path in AQ, very common in story content, is getting more common in EQ & SQ
It's still not as painful as unstoppable used to be when we didn't have any slow champs, but is still quite annoying specially when it's passive
However, Archangel doesn’t counter it and I’m still not sure if that’s a bug. It says he’s only immune to champion abilities so I’m guessing Nodes don’t count here, but I’ve tested against Joe Fixit’s disorient and I had parries failing sometimes. And Joe Fixit’s disorient is one of his abilities. So Archangel is weird and I’d love some clarification on what the correct interaction is.
Edit: i just saw that someone else already pointed that... XD
I only ask because Mordo was released before and his says immune to passive ability accuracy reductions. I’m just curious what AA is supposed to be immune to today and what’s bugged or not.
Any chance you’d be able to pose the question when you have some time?
Not sure what issue you guys have, I have fun getting a disorient on me.