Can Kabam pull this off?

For a long time i thought 2 champions could never be adapted to this game: Quicksilver and Mystique.
Kabam pulled Quicksilver off and he looked amazing, i wonder if they will find a way to adapt Mystique s shapeshifting powers one day..
Anyone got thoughts on how she could work?
Kabam pulled Quicksilver off and he looked amazing, i wonder if they will find a way to adapt Mystique s shapeshifting powers one day..
Anyone got thoughts on how she could work?
And then I will 100% pretend she's always been here, hiding out as Different Champions.
Completely wild, no idea who she is copying before the fight starts until you throw a special or do a combo - she can start the fight as any single champion but for the whole fight only (for memory-saving reasons), keep her skin just a random champ moves/abilities etc like the adaptoids do.
She doesn't have to be an amazingly super strong fight just a fun one
I was thinking something similar.. she could transform into the opponent u re facing, but i think it would be super boring to always do mirror matches.. hence this post. I like your idea of being random, lets see if we get some more
Would happily trade with you, or at least go halvsies.
I mean if tag duels were a thing, then there would be some real potential of tricking your opponent into hitting their teammate... but alas, she can only look like other champions, not copy their abilities.
Or, only change form after an SP3 (where the screen changes anyway) and possibly make it different depending on something like the ending combo, or some type of build up you can control (like Miles Morales 3 counter timers, or Shang Chi's medium combos).
She doesn't have to change right on the spot. And she wouldn't have to suck if you can control who she changes into to take on their particular abilities. She would probably be limited to who she can change into though (just for ease of use without being sooo complicated).
Seems like a part of her kit though could be that she never has class disadvantage, as her shape-shifting could always be to a class giving her the advantage.
Mystique does have abilities that would be useful in MCOC, or at least could be interpreted to have useful abilities. She has some element of regeneration. She has some resistance to poisons and telepathic attacks. And while she cannot copy most super powers, she can mimic to some degree things like enhanced biological strength and reflexes. She's also usually depicted as having high order fighting skills.
Falcon, Kingpin, and Black Widow have all been translated into the game as strong champions even though they are not depicted in the comics as having super abilities. There's no reason to believe Mystique would need to be a sub par champion if added to the game.
That said, I really want her to appear as a different Champion on the Quest Board. Tricky tricky...
There are plenty of tech champs that are simple humans. Cap Wilson, without his suit, comes to mind.
Let her specials always remain the same, but her basic attacks take on those of some character in each class. For example when fighting a skill champ, she has her own unique basics as a Mutant. When fighting a tech, she gets Gamora"s basics. Fighting Cosmic she gets Thor Jane Foster, etc.
And because the defender doesn't know who they're fighting, that's why she gets the class advantage.
Just seems like a fun way to do something unique with a very desired character that is otherwise just another blue chick with a mastery in martial arts.
When you have picked your team and begun the quest, she still does not present herself (if you happened to select her) until you begin a fight.
Then if (for example) she were masquerading as your Warlock, and you begin a fight using that Warlock, one the fight starts you will see that champ you are using is indeed Mystique instead.
Hard luck if it isn’t until further along in a quest before you happen to use that team champ for the first time in that quest. Will either have to just press on with actually using her, or back out and start the quest again re-picking your actual Warlock (as she will have moved into masquerading as a different champ for next Team Selection).
I like the idea of a (random) copy, maybe with several changes in the fight (after 30 seconds for example?). Maybe among a limited pool of champions (excluding robot as you mentionned)?