I say no to the battlegrounds

As a mode it is quite fun. I guess if you have nothing and i mean absolutely nothing going on you could burn your time/energy to try for those rewards or just for fun. I hate how they hyped up mastery loadouts and multi decks just for them to be pay to unlock. Also turns out as a thronebraker close to paragon and casual f2p i get close to nothing doing battlegrounds (i dont really care shards). Event points are behind units (maybe you can get them for free not sure), R4 mats are only for paragon and not mentioning the ridiculous price. Litterly any quest/game mode that is out there right now i still havent done looks more fun then doing battlegrounds. Abbys/ carina chalanges. Upcoming act 8 and exploring the variants that i havent done exploring yet. So while i patiently wait for those what is you guys' impressions on the battlegrounds?
Or just empty your bank account.
I’m sure there will be whales out there for who the cost of this game mode is fairly insignificant to there wallets and will play this regardless. I hope that’s not enough for Kabam to make them think this mode has actually been a success. And there will be a number of people who like the current implementation or are the opinion, “don’t like it, don’t play it.” For me, Kabam have totally messed the balance of this up.
My recommendation to Kabam is get a few of the CCP or even non CCP players on consultancy contracts, pay them for there time but consult them on ideas this first, so you can get some honest feedback at an early stage, which Kabam is then free to ignore if they really wish. But if this is what is seen as a good idea and passes through to actual live gameplay, then there is some serious group think issues at Kabam. You really need to have some new voices at part of the decision making process.
If this mode continues to be pay to play, I'm happier without it.
How on earth can 3000 units be signed off on as a good amount for 15k 6* shards worth of solo event rewards?
How does this get signed off on by the guys who figure out the economy of events?
I mean No
NO Bgs for me.
As for Matchmaking, this has been a common annoyance in the Betas as well. If you give it a little bit of time, the elite players will move out of the earlier brackets and you will more likely get fair matchups. Unfortunately it takes quite a while to settle, not just hours.
They're just another one of those game modes that are not meant for me (like arenas & incursions)
Rewards that a F2P can get are not worth the grind required to get those rewards