If you were a celebrity and asked to create a celebrity challenge...

What would you present the game team?
Choose six champs and tell us why they're thematically linked and important to you/your account!
Choose six champs and tell us why they're thematically linked and important to you/your account!
Human Torch - my first r3 6*. Pulled a science catalyst from Abyss completion and had recently pulled him and loved the character (this was shortly after his release, before he was recognized as the monster he is today).
Blade - first r5 5*. He was the workhorse that got me through my first Labyrinth completion and so much more. Everybody who was playing around his release has a Blade story.
Iceman - first r4 5*. My go to as I did act 5 exploration and early Variant content when I could use him. I pulled him the first day he entered the basic pool from a basic 5* and was over the moon.
Guillotine - Reaching waaaaay back in the memory bank here, but I want to say she was my first 3*, or the first champion that got me to understand utility meaningfully. She and 4* Wolverine are what got me through Realm of Legends. I’m still not thrilled with the way her rework turned out, but she’ll always have a place in my heart.
Hyperion - the champion that I wanted most for so long. First (and for a very long time, only) champion that I used actual money to try to get. I’d give more information because it’s a good story, but I don’t need to be revealing details of my first purchase publicly here 😅
Me and my friends have been lacking in positive representation. The only one of us that is considered "meta" is Scorpion and he isn't even the MK one. I think you should do a Sinister Six Fix event where you make us all meta and especially the cool one with a fishbowl!
- hyperion is super
- stryfe is batty
- namor is fishy
- quicksilver is fast
- cable is cybernetic
- scarlet witch is a wonderful woman
Captain Britain
Black Cat
Anti Venom
My 6 Champs at R3 and 4
2.Apocalypse(The ultimate Tank)
3.Elsa bloodstone (my 1st 6 star)
4.Omega red( My 1st SIG 200 champ. He carried me from 5.2.4 to Act 7 I'll forever cherish him for that)
5.Quicksilver ( I like big red numbers)
6.Human torch(There is a reason why he was banned so much in war)
You did the same thing with the Act 8, info about new champs poll 🤭
Warlock - my first R3
King Pin - cause imma King
Nimrod - he has a cool heavy attack
Wiccan - Cause he’s my pfp
Doc Ock
Mr Negative
Basically just some of my favorite champs
Domino - First four star and carried my account for three acts
Venom - Really enjoyable too play with and one of the champs i find myself always coming back too play
America Chavez - Another one of those champs i just enjoy
Ikaris - He’s so smoothhhhhhh too play
Unstoppable Colossus - So people remember he exists
Shang-Chi (Big damage. Easy to access)
Archangel (the 4 star is my highest rarity💔 even so he shreds champs without bleed or poison immunity)
Quicksilver (Most wanted champ since I joined the contest)
iHulk (Hulk is the strongest there is 🤷🏾♂️)
Hercules (Solid champ with awesome damage and utility)
This time assuring you and 100% confirming that this is not a plan to bring in more celebrity challenges. I know I did a sneaky-sneak once before, but this isn't like that time.
I'm just genuinely curious to know what cool things our community can come up with!
Hit monkey
I believe the thematic link is obvious and their important to my account because I love warm and fuzzy things.
Ikarus - Super cool animations and seems like a fun character
Thing - One of my favorite comic characters, feel like he would be a good defender for my challenge
Thor (Ragnorak) - My favorite MCU character, could throw some annoying nodes onto him easily
Yellowjacket - Great character design, plus he's been growing on me a lot
Scorpion - Love his color scheme and seems like a great character to put in a celeb challenge
White mags- was my first 3*
Voodoo- first r5 5*
Torch- first r4 6*
Rintrah- Favorite champ currently and future first r5 6*
S2099- Most smooth champ to play IMO
Spider Man 2099 the one character I wanted to come to the game for a long time
Nimrod: the most awesome tech champ that destroys everything not shock immune
Black Cat: very fun with awesome bleeds
Mole God: still a skill god in mcoc very fun
Diablord: things can get crazy with him if you run suicides and willpower
Kitty Pryde: Her Phasing Ability is awesome and I love her as a champion
Apocalypse: I'm a huge fan of Apocalypse as you can see by my username and I just love the champion.
Professor X: Another one of my favourites and a huge fan of Patrick Stewart's version in film. Happy with how the champion turned out.
Juggernaut: Well, this one's a no brained, I just love his buffed version of his champion and favourite moment was X-Men: Last Stand.
Deadpool: We can all do with a bit of Comic Relief. Right?
Wolverine: Love his character and the man who portrayed him.
The theme could be for a future challenge Horsemen
Emma - the champ I took up to make Thronebreaker even though I didn’t want to
Steve. What a phenomenal addition to the game.
Apoc, Hit Monkey and Hulkbuster - my three faves to just blast through content with. All are decent two way champs.
Guardian on Armor break immunity and spite, he is my favourite tech champ
Havok on immunity to power steal, drain or lock and crumbling Armor, because he was one of my first four stars and because of his great damage output, i had completed act 5 easily.
Elsa bloodstone on do you bleed and poison immunity, she is one of those champs i never understand what to feel, she is good or she is bad, or maybe none of them
Dragon man on stun immunity and improved power gain, i liked him originally as the best mystic champion. I love red numbers too.
Lastly, hulkbuster on Armor break immunity and chitinous thorns, he is one of those champions who is overlooked for day to day content or endgame content, yet can beat most of the meta tier champs in terms of damage and utility, i love spamming heavies on wall too.
PS Jax pls don't tryna put anyone's idea for a celeb challenge, specially mine, it will be annoying as ghost riders home
Dr. Strange
Psylocke (For Class variation.)
I'd release it close to Halloween, to boot.
As for Nodes, I'll refrain. I have a tendency to be quite creative, but brutally punishing.
Squirrel Girl
I just like him so much, and chasing him a few months now, I have a r4 tech gem that I want to use on him, I'll even awaken him...
I have 6* NIMGOAT... Starky... Guardian... but I want to r4 PSYCHO MAN
and so fingers crossed I get him from EOP rewards
Cap IfW(All Rounder except bio hasard)
Apocalypse (purifier counter)
Nimrod(Prowess remover, Bio hasard,Plasma)
Arch angel(melt oponent)
* Hercules The Game Breaker*
omega red
silver centurion
my most favourite team
Ronin or Hawkeye - Increased Bleed, Falter and Masochism
Black Widow or BWDO - Increased Evade, Bane and Mighty Charge.
Immortal Hulk, Hulk Ragnarok or Hulk - Rage, Buffet and Safeguard
CapIW, CapWWII or Cap - Debuff immunity, Brute Force and Biohazard
Thor or Thor Rags - Power Drain/Block immunity, Power Gain and Mix Master
IM, SIM or IMIW - Power Shield, Explosive Personality and Bubble Shield
Either Prof X or one of the Mags
These characters were all either part of the New Mutants themselves, led the team, or debuted in a New Mutants book. This team could use a little love in mcoc! A NM challenge could be a great way to do that.
As for nodes, I will need some time to think on that. Will post here if I think of anything.
Manthing - debuff immune,safeguard,200% regeneration
Gladiator Hulk - bane 3,tenacity,mighty charge 3
Immortal abomination - biohazard,hazard shift incinerate/shock,fractured guard 2
Hulking - invade,safeguard,rich get richer power gain,rich get richer fury
Moleman - be like water 3,bloodletting,cutting wires,sharpening claws,blood in the water 3
Super-skrull (boss) - from my cold dead hands,pilfer regeneration 3,shatter 3, slap me not,heal block passive ,force of will
The reason I have chosen these champs are because they are some of my favorite marvel characters in the comics.