Repeated pieces by platinumpool
Hello, I would like to know if it were possible if at some point they would bring out options to obtain the missing Platinumpool pieces or if they would make some kind of exchange to change the ones I have repeated for the ones I am missing, it would be great. Thanks in advance
Exchange platpool pieces, definitely not.
Torture continues as I'm missing a 6-star Left arm and 5-star Torso... So close yet so far... 🥹
This is just one of the many areas where you can be graduating from university but the game wants to help you get through high school.
I suppose the duplicate pieces would come in handy for awakening Platpool, but if not it would be nice to trade them in.
It would have been very cool and fun to land a PlatPool early on (or even later on) and use him in different content for fun and experimentation. But now…I’m really close to beyond the point of caring.
Why? Because he’s not a champ I’m going to invest in, he’s not a viable champ for most content I’m doing and he’s clearly not going to be made more available even for those of us who have multiple body parts. If I were still an arena grinder, I suppose I might appreciate having one more 6* to throw at arena.
All of which is fine—he’s a trophy champ. But…the allure of trophy champs (for me at least) has a shelf life. I’m pretty close to the point I was at when I finally pulled a 4* UC (long before there was a loyalty store). It was a shock, but I was deep into 5*’s by that point and not willing to throw resources at a 4*.
I’m sure others may love the champ and may be collectors who want everyone. I understand. But I’m very close to being just fine with a batch of disembodied PlatParts cluttering my inventory.
Dr. Zola