6* heroes

Why have i received a 6* iron man classic and 6* blue team cyclops....that's mad trash for 6* after all the gring, totally not worth it when i hv better 5* champs
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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Now I understand that pain, all of us who play this game do but RNG is part of the game. Hope you get better luck next time.
Seriously, we all have bad pulls...makes the good ones that more exciting (not that I'm promoting bad pulls in any way)
Best of luck in your next round of crystal openings.
Let the crazy comment begin. I'm going to make some popcorn and watch the show.
Though in all seriousness, we all go through that. My first 6 star was freaking red skull, but in a year I have all my favorites like doom, Hercules, apoc, etc.
Point is give it time and play at your own pace, eventually you'll get better stuff. And the faster your pace, the sooner you get them
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