Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Share your Alliance rewards!

Hello Summoners,

Rewards are starting to Drop so here is my 5 Nexus Cosmic with any good result.

Hope all of you have more luck than me and share your rewards on this post. If they're bad, we can cry together!


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    Yash0101Yash0101 Posts: 134
    Duxtro said:

    Hello Summoners,

    Rewards are starting to Drop so here is my 5 Nexus Cosmic with any good result.

    Hope all of you have more luck than me and share your rewards on this post. If they're bad, we can cry together!

    I didn't get my AW Reward 😭 yet
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    Rohit_316Rohit_316 Posts: 3,388 ★★★★★

    What a nexus .. each and everytime i have gone for mutant nexus i have pulled ****...no Apoc , AA or Mags and have 3 mutant t5cc ...will not choose Mutant ever again ..will hunt some skill and cosmic champs now
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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 470 ★★★
    I won't be opening mine until 7* shards are available.

    Good luck to everyone opening theirs now, although the first couple don't look great 😩
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    GarryDKGarryDK Posts: 135 ★★

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    DuxtroDuxtro Posts: 63
    Rohit_316 said:

    What a nexus .. each and everytime i have gone for mutant nexus i have pulled ****...no Apoc , AA or Mags and have 3 mutant t5cc ...will not choose Mutant ever again ..will hunt some skill and cosmic champs now

    Same boat but with Cosmic. Will go for mystic for the future.
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    KyloKylo Posts: 124
    Don't have a screenshot but it had She-Hulk new, Domino new, and Sersi (already awakened). Got Domino from it.
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    DuxtroDuxtro Posts: 63
    Kylo said:

    Don't have a screenshot but it had She-Hulk new, Domino new, and Sersi (already awakened). Got Domino from it.

    Uh, domino is a pain on this ass awaken for BGs
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    BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Posts: 2,232 ★★★★★

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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,528 ★★★★★
    Awaken kitty red mags or awaken vtd went with kitty for defense
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    Went with red mags... kinda feel like I shoulda gone peni now lol

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    SnakepSnakep Posts: 362 ★★★
    Got to hang on to mine for a couple more weeks until the update brings seven star shards in. Good luck to those opening them now though!
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    RiptideRiptide Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★

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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,893 ★★★★★

    Waited sooo long
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    DuxtroDuxtro Posts: 63

    Waited sooo long

    Daaaaammm so Lucky!
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    Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Posts: 990 ★★★★

    Went with red mags... kinda feel like I shoulda gone peni now lol

    You can still ask kabam support to change it for you if you haven’t levelled him yet
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    TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Posts: 745 ★★★

    Went with red mags... kinda feel like I shoulda gone peni now lol

    You can still ask kabam support to change it for you if you haven’t levelled him yet
    Last time I asked, Kabam replied that they couldn't change a nexus.
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    PointBreak400PointBreak400 Posts: 27
    Who do I go for modok or mister negative six star both new
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    Godslayer_1Godslayer_1 Posts: 329 ★★★

    Next rank 3
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    I chose Black Cat but got no idea how yo play her 😂

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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★
    Currently waiting for November update to come out before I open anything so I can get those sweet sweet 7* shards when I inevitably dupe my 6* BPCW for the 10th time.
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    My rewards for the 5* nexus were Ronin, Sersi, and Old man Logan. My reaction: mental breakdown
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    LemonloafLemonloaf Posts: 117
    Well I got kicked from my Alliance a few days before the season ended so at least u guys get to open something
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