
Should "Devolution Gems" be introduced??

Suhas_vigneshwar92Suhas_vigneshwar92 Posts: 2
edited November 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
With 7 stars champions being introduced, 6 star and lower tier champions will become useless or redundant. Further ranking and leveling 7 star champions will require high amount of ISO 8 and catalysts that may be difficult to stack up. Hence, with devolution gems, we can devolve all the lower tier champs to Rank 1, level 1 and in the process gain some ISO 8 or catalyst fragments making it easier to rank up 7 star champs.

Should "Devolution Gems" be introduced?? 57 votes

Yes, devolution gems are needed
RobbieRampagercm2017Denzel116LattughinoBossmode12Barney_StinsonZippy_halligankevhugoThe_man001 9 votes
Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
GroundedWisdomLeNoirFaineantHort4phillgreenTerraDemonzfyreThereticCat_MurdockLvernon15ShadowstrikeTotal_Domin01spiderknight616Ackbar67KerneasAustin555555Saske97AmaadAkiraKoiBoy18RockyshockySCP1504 48 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


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    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    Just because you gave it a cooler name does not me RTDs should be casually introduced
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,289 ★★★★★
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    No. We didn't need them when 5 or 6*'s were introduced, we don't need them for 7*'s either.
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    PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    No we don't need them
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,759 ★★★★★
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    In the meantime, we have had 6*s for years now and 5* champs still have their value even for the current content
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    Lemon_Man44Lemon_Man44 Posts: 238 ★★★
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars

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    ManbatnManbatn Posts: 67
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    I would rather they make more quests that you can use lower stared champs in. Like 95% of rosters just sit there unused.
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    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    A better suggestion would be to have Kabam set up a 1% stream of all the money each player spends on the game into a mutual fund for that player so he can save for retirement. Since the game is evolving into a never ending decades long ascension at great cost.
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    RealWizardRealWizard Posts: 91
    Nope, let's take years to rank up 7 stars
    This game is all about resource management
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