Hyperion Heal Nerfed?
Member Posts: 6 ★
I didn't see it in the patch notes. Hype lost healing power.
On a single heal he used to get about 1/4 of his HP back. It seems closer to 10-15% now. Im getting +98 ticks now.
I don't know the tick rate. But...
HP gained: 2514.3 (w recovery 2891.91)
Tick HP: 98
My sig is 46.13% time bonus
15s heal
15s x 1.4613 = 21.9s
2891.9÷98= 29.5 #ticks aren't 1s, maybe .5s
I can go deeper in the math, but you see where im headed with my variables. Please address cause I don't want to insult your intelligence by spelling it out.
Please address this math. Thanks
On a single heal he used to get about 1/4 of his HP back. It seems closer to 10-15% now. Im getting +98 ticks now.
I don't know the tick rate. But...
HP gained: 2514.3 (w recovery 2891.91)
Tick HP: 98
My sig is 46.13% time bonus
15s heal
15s x 1.4613 = 21.9s
2891.9÷98= 29.5 #ticks aren't 1s, maybe .5s
I can go deeper in the math, but you see where im headed with my variables. Please address cause I don't want to insult your intelligence by spelling it out.
Please address this math. Thanks
And if you play the game you would know hyperion is poison immune seriously dude
I play the game. Just focused on the Healing. Long day. Lol.
Is it via video recording?
46.14 ($mod) is listed in my sig bonus
2514.3 ($h) & 15s($t) is in the Heal description
Recovery bonus = $y • 1.15
Buff duration = $t • $mod
Oh. And no mastery changed were made before it after patch.
They corrected this issue, but making his cool down not a debuff, therefore, no extra regen.
Do suicides poison immune champs now? lol. Think before posting please.
Im also referring to its active status. Hence the +98 tick.
The total healed should be:
total healed = recovery mod(2513 base • (100%+ sig modifier))
for my 49 sig (46.14% modifier) with +15% recovery should be: 4228 HP. Almost 1/3 his max HP. Its not happening.
98x2x15=2940. By your math he’s healing for too much.
Mine can do 1907.7 over 15s.
His current max health in next image.