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Show your Mcoc age

Thought it might be a fun thread to reminisce on the long past features of the game!

Remember when you had to complete was I master EQ to get a key to unlock the higher difficulty?


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    ExHavokExHavok Posts: 519 ★★★
    Speaking of key, what happened to first 10 players who completed RoL and got the mystery key ? What was that for ?
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    My first two EQs were the Symbiote one and the Aegon/Champion one. I think the Champion might have been first, I'm not sure, but I remember Aegon's combo being buggy and heroic was really challenging for me lol.
    I was doing casual labour in Melbourne and another British guy I was working with got me into the game and here we are 4 years later!
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    TilleynjTilleynj Posts: 1
    edited November 2022
    Pfft. I remember when rocket and magik were added to the game — a time before alliances, masteries and signature abilities and when you could use color in chat.
    I win.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,450 ★★★★★
    Tilleynj said:

    Pfft. I remember when rocket and magik were added to the game — a time before alliances, masteries and signature abilities and when you could use color in chat.
    I win.

    Magik was one of the first ever buffed champs.
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    Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★

    Remeber when the only way to get a guaranteed 4* was buying a random offer that costs like a 1000 units
    Or that it was recommended to use your units on premiums because that was the only real way to get new champs

    2500 units for a 4* crystal.
    Right! Forgot about the specific number and couldn't find it anywhere, insane to think it was almost an Odins worth
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    PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I remember the day when I could see Drax until Infinity wars came out lol
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,973 ★★★★★
    I started when the event for Groot being added was running and every difficulty got a 3* Groot for finishing it.
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,219 ★★★★
    Remember when you were in arena and you had to do all 3 fights otherwise you'd lose your streak?
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,526 ★★★★★
    I'm not to old but the first event I did was bwdo event and there was this one duel target with tentacles and everyone thought it was Doctor octopus but it was omega red
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Duel alliance event called duel skirmish that gave a free 3* hero crystal. Oh damn that was the bomb.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    ExHavok said:

    Speaking of key, what happened to first 10 players who completed RoL and got the mystery key ? What was that for ?

    They got kang
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    MiniMFMiniMF Posts: 848 ★★★★
    First played when yellow jacket got released ! Also got my first ever 3* grinding him in arenas
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    bxdbxd Posts: 25
    Finished my first quest 2014-12-16 … dang , long time ago

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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 886 ★★★
    I remember when the collector got pissed if you got anything but a two star out of phc crystals lol ...and I will always rock my favorite in game tag (which is going on 5-6 yrs) .... slobber knocker....I believe it was from when kingpin released
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    I joined when Thor Ragnarok & Hela were released
    That month I struggled to do Heroic difficulty, specially against Hela
    Bishop & Sabretooth month was my first Master difficulty
    Got Uncollected in the Red Skull month....spent many units doing Uncollected difficulty that month
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,450 ★★★★★

    Remeber when the only way to get a guaranteed 4* was buying a random offer that costs like a 1000 units
    Or that it was recommended to use your units on premiums because that was the only real way to get new champs

    2500 units for a 4* crystal.
    Right! Forgot about the specific number and couldn't find it anywhere, insane to think it was almost an Odins worth
    What's more insane is that offer still exists and the price is the same.
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited November 2022

    Started end of January 2015… Played on and off until late 2018, got the Legends-Tag and then took a 4-year break from the game and re-installed this summer…

    Let’s see how long the streak lasts this time… ☺️
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,040 ★★★★★
    Alliance arena.
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