Does nightcrawler work as a defender in battlegrounds?
Don't have a ton of options and I kinda want a defensive rank 3 for battlegrounds. I thought he might work because he has class advantage to a ton of evade counters (for example Shang chi/stealthy won't apply slow and falcon has shorter lock-on in addition to lower attack ratings), doesnt have horrible health like most other evade champs, and on offense he has 2 buffs constantly for the meta and is budget hitmonkey. That still leaves apoc archangel and nimrod as easy non skill counters but I think it might be fairly annoying for most matchups with about 40% evade. Has anyone seen/used nightcrawler in battlegrounds? I'm cautious because I haven't seen him much in battlegrounds but it's possible he just wasn't ranked up often because he is nightcrawler. I also have no idea how reliably people can switch his stance, if they can he is useless, but if they think they can but can't it could be beneficial.
I have a few other common battlegrounds defenders as 6 stars that people use like mephisto, thing, killmonger, korg, and terrax but all of them seem to benefit from being awakened so I'm not quite sure how good they are unawakened. I also have Ironman iw, but he seems to suffer from being at class disadvantage to cosmic so I'm not quite sure about him either. I could rank pretty much whoever I wanted as a 5 star awakened but it seems like 6 star defenders are the way to go even if they are a bit worse. I thought nightcrawler might work under the same logic as someone like ibomb where you could easily counter him in story or aw but are limited for options in battlegrounds.
I have a few other common battlegrounds defenders as 6 stars that people use like mephisto, thing, killmonger, korg, and terrax but all of them seem to benefit from being awakened so I'm not quite sure how good they are unawakened. I also have Ironman iw, but he seems to suffer from being at class disadvantage to cosmic so I'm not quite sure about him either. I could rank pretty much whoever I wanted as a 5 star awakened but it seems like 6 star defenders are the way to go even if they are a bit worse. I thought nightcrawler might work under the same logic as someone like ibomb where you could easily counter him in story or aw but are limited for options in battlegrounds.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
He doesn’t make it into all of my decks but does more often than not.
Personally, I hate NC as well and I could see him working with 5/5 Limber or when Kabam decides to introduce stun immunity as a node into BG.