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My first 6*R4, who should it be?

My first 6*R4, who should it be? 41 votes

Cap America IW (Sig 52)
SpecM 1 vote
Hercules (Sig 26)
CedricccyossHzoriDoom_and_GloompseudosaneMalreck04MoosetiptronicbazingampAmaadAkiraIvarTheBonelessTimmy2xslaserjohn26WolalaEinfachSoIronman3000ReignkingTWGardoshRenaxqqTheNickster20Fryday 30 votes
Captain Marvel Movie (Sig 25)
Human Torch (Sig 44)
Ewell65SSS69AJ007 2 votes
Cosmic Ghost Rider (unduped)
FrostGiantLordbigzakinnit 2 votes
Venom (Sig 40)
RonSwansonSazed 2 votes
She-Hulk (Sig 20)
The Overseer (Sig 20)
0casual0LlessurDarkraw34613579rebel_ 4 votes


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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    Hercules (Sig 26)
    Which of these is your most used? That’s who it should be.
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    Cosmic Ghost Rider (unduped)
    Which one of these are you the most fluent or skilled with? Which one is the one YOU want to rank up? That should be your choice. As for my personal opinion, Torch, Herc, or CGR are all great options. CGR doesn't need dupe, is great. His damage rotation can deal insane amounts of damage in a short amount of time. Torch and Herc can both nuke down fights easily. Honestly, it all depends on your personal choice!
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    Hercules (Sig 26)
    Herc or Overseer.
    id have voted CGR if he was duped.
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    Hercules (Sig 26)
    No question about it
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    LlessurLlessur Posts: 488 ★★★
    The Overseer (Sig 20)
    I’m overseer simp I’m gonna make him my first r4 unduped I have the materials but I’m focusing on getting my other 6* to r3/r2
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    0casual00casual0 Posts: 457 ★★★
    The Overseer (Sig 20)
    Hercules is a boring choice. Overseer all the way!
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