I really need some help, about which science to focus on

Please bear with me. My luck in the science class, hadn't been even decent, until the banquet event.
I scored 4 (6*stars) in the science category:
Invisible woman
Immortal Hulk
Immortal abomination
I have never played with any of em before, and i was trying to figure out who has a really good offense and can finish fights quicker without much ado?
I'm currently at level 51, with my progression stuck at 5.4.4 (trying to reach cav)
My top go to roster has always included : 5* BWCV, HERC, SUNSPOT, GWENPOOL (6*)and ULTRON classic. Unsure bout the science one. Please help, as to who will be worthy of ranking up, and clearing content, or be otherwise useful in aw/aq/bg. I have not had any experience with any of these science champs before.
I scored 4 (6*stars) in the science category:
Invisible woman
Immortal Hulk
Immortal abomination
I have never played with any of em before, and i was trying to figure out who has a really good offense and can finish fights quicker without much ado?
I'm currently at level 51, with my progression stuck at 5.4.4 (trying to reach cav)
My top go to roster has always included : 5* BWCV, HERC, SUNSPOT, GWENPOOL (6*)and ULTRON classic. Unsure bout the science one. Please help, as to who will be worthy of ranking up, and clearing content, or be otherwise useful in aw/aq/bg. I have not had any experience with any of these science champs before.
I agree, but you need to hit a good amount of hits (i think 100), for the poison and weakness to work at an actual high damage? So wouldn't that make his fights having to last longer, to do high damage?