How satisfied is everyone with the rewards from the gbcs and the milestones?



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  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    milestones were great, especially alliance ones where its easy to obtain when all members actively participate.
    The crystals themselves honestly would have benefitted from summoner progress separation, 5 star shards and the scrap were an insult to paragon players
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    The gbc 5-6 score.
    Didn’t care for 50k scrap 2 iso and 100k for 300 units.
    Did get 500k scrap once that was fine. I think it should have been only option 500k scrap in the crystals at a lower drop rate due to amount.
    The iso and gold should be 12 iso and minimum 200k gold. My thoughts on those 2 drops. Agreed with wish the gbc were progression based. Don’t need t4cc, overflow is full. kabam has a whole year to review and adjust for the next gbc event. Happy new year!
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    The solo awards were decent, but the GGC pulls I got was str8 trash. I got about two shiny new 5* that isn't even worth ranking up.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Ok i opened my last bit of gbcs from the calendar and guess what, i am quite disappointed from results, it gave me my 4th featured hero crystal from GBC openings only, but it was a maw dupe back to back, my rating has gone down to maybe 3.5 now
  • Dude17Dude17 Member Posts: 133 ★★
    Milestones 10/10
    GBCs 3/10

    Cyber weekend was better value for TB & Paragon players.

    The event itself was overall great because we received 23 free GBCs. But once the milestones where reached, there was no reason to keep buying more GBCs.
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    edited January 2023
    I see a lot of posts that cover my feelings. The crystals were complete trash for me personally. I pulled 5 star shards and scrap more than half the time. I pulled cav crystals that equaled 3 and 4 stars. I only pulled in one top item out of 40 crystals…a T3 full. I would agree to Kabam to show my **** rewards to the community.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Scrap should never have been a part of this at all, much less almost 10%.

    1000 6-star shards is also inadequate.

    Honestly, they should’ve retooled the crystals by adding a third tier for TB/paragon. I had a cavalier alt getting t6cc from crystals and t6b and t3a from milestones. Not helpful. I had a paragon main getting 5-star shards and scrap. Also not helpful.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,477 ★★★★★
    Got a 6* Weapon X
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    The milestone rewards were great and I personally had a lot of luck with the GBCs. Got a lot of rank 4 materials and a class AG. I think the RNG of the crystals was necessary to justify giving such good milestone rewards
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