How satisfied is everyone with the rewards from the gbcs and the milestones?

HiwoeHiwoe Member Posts: 25
Personally the milestones were so huge for my account. 10/10 for a f2p

How satisfied is everyone with the rewards from the gbcs and the milestones? 311 votes

BigPoppaCBONESpeedbumpMqc19BrokenSpurgeon14Captain_2goodSaske97_Sham_JimmyBFieryWaterChottinhoHipocerosYsFShaqatacBuggyDClownzerozDeepworldDave7099FalconiChief_prime 22 votes
Hort4MidnightfoxzuffyhoboCapt_MegasauceallinashesMidknight007BosleyBluestoneTexas_11Suros_moonL0TUS_MANTISChuckiesolKRANꓘCapdevilasebCaptain_obvious1MephistoCaptainDenversTRDSJBHJ12345___7714dtl 28 votes
SnakeEyes69DrZolaNikoBravoRoqbone97Manup456DramioneAjisdopeAjay121VerzzViper83Peter_CzechMhd20034SyndicatedRbk19DaileycookiedealerGogeta91199SCP1504DrPepper_75Luke9523 77 votes
MasterSmokeLeNoirFaineantGarryDKOKAYGangBKSwisherSweetCrkwestSpity68johnwho63TendersquadKthunderFeeney234Maverick75TerraElDiabroAinyCropDusterHarith1987SpiderCoolsTornCartledgeCrazyjack719 94 votes
GroundedWisdomKeltanheruheru511Wakandas_FinestJinxesaxeDeemonbalaBlackfriar63Vladislas22Jazz_MessengermeoreanFitnesscwDarkrider05FrankWhiteThecurlerThatGuyYouSaw235CassyHzoriThecrusher_9756GarloRasilover 90 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 6,040 ★★★★★
    I didn't even mind the 1000 6* shards as much as I hated getting a cav crystal or cav Nexus.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★

    I didn't even mind the 1000 6* shards as much as I hated getting a cav crystal or cav Nexus.

    ....and those too
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 205

    I didn't even mind the 1000 6* shards as much as I hated getting a cav crystal or cav Nexus.

    i used to agree with this, but just got a6 star nexus from cav nexus, nd got nick fury.... wont awaken him for years but still unreal
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Didn't really mind the scrap in the crystals. I had only run a handful of times before they announced the scrap store, with what I earned plus what came out of the crystals I'm currently sitting at just under 3 million scrap to spend in the store with another week of the side quest to go.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,451 ★★★★
    Milestones great. The gbc drops have been ****.
  • Viper83Viper83 Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2023
    Milestones are amazing imo. But GGC crystals are not that great. Too RNG based. I got absolutely nothing great from 50+ GGC I opened!
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    For what it was, theyre great comparatively speaking. Although someone who got shafted by RNG would probably beg to differ lol
  • GoingBackGoingBack Member Posts: 154 ★★★
    Milestones 11/10
    Crystals 1/10

    I even bought the crystals the first time they were offered. The second time they came up there was no way I was going to waste my money again. I just didn’t get lucky. Never got over 1k 6* shards or any 6* ag, crystal or nexus. Mostly got t2a, scrap and cav crystals. Best pull was a 5* Jessica Jones
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    Milestones are definitely a 8/9 for me. That's really what spurred me to open more of the crystals. Crystals are a 2/3 for me. The amount of scrap and further limiting the few chances at some of the trophy heroes you can only get from these particular crystals was a huge letdown compared to previous year's crystals.

    I get Kabam and their defender's argument that scrap lets you choose your rewards from Rocket's Shop, but the scrap rewards greatly diminish what you should be pulling from GBCs. There is no way any amount of scrap is worth the cost of a GBC and it's a slap in the face equivalent to getting a lump of coal when you pull that from any crystal you spent units you grinded in the game to collect.

    That takes my overall average to the 5/6 mark, and next year Kabam needs to eliminate the scrap, period.
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 832 ★★★
    I think cyber weekend was trash i spend 5k units got all trashy rewards but by spending 3000 units i got 70k 6* shards and 50k 5* shards and thrice 5*Weapon X
    And gold is good too
  • RealWizardRealWizard Member Posts: 91
    Milestone rewards are great. The crystals aren’t as good, but that might just be me (haven’t gotten anything good)
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,629 ★★★★★
    As with most other folks on the thread, milestone rewards are very good but my GGCs have been a fairly significant disappointment. Planning on opening 7-9 more so hoping to get some late luck.
  • LordIgorekLordIgorek Member Posts: 60
    9 on milestones, 1 on gbc, i got only **** comparing to units spent
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,125 ★★★★★
    Fast-tracked an R4, so I'm peachy keen.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,534 ★★★★★
    Average of the two grades. Milestones easily 8-9 range, crystals themselves 4-5 range.

    There’s always a ridiculous disparity in Gacha game loot prizes, but GBCs are pretty sorry on this count. Pulling basic Cavs or 5* shards wouldn’t have been exciting three years ago, let alone now.

    All in all, a decent event. Reserve final grade for how good/bad the ranked rewards turn out versus the effort.

    Dr. Zola
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 791 ★★★★
    Milestone rewards are great. The 5* shards and such? Not great. Heck..I don’t even mind all the stupid scrap because that given me prolly 20 or so t5 basics, which has been very good for ranking up.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 812 ★★★
    edited January 2023
    Milestones of Banquet solo and alliance events: wonderful!

    Greater Crystals: not super. I got too many 5* shards and too few shards of t5cc, t6bc and t3ac. Hopefully they were not the only interesting items inside, but it could have been better because at least TB and Paragorns need them and do not need 5* champions anymore.
    In the Rocket Scrapyard, we can collect a lot of t5bc shards. That invite us to upgrade the 6* champions (for the diversity of champions in different areas of the game like battlegrounds or AW, that’s a very good idea) to ranks 2 and 3... with few possibilities to build a couple of t5cc (there was a selector among the milestones).
    Regarding Cavalier basic crystals, I got 3* and 4* champions...
  • JMC2007JMC2007 Member Posts: 42
    I think its decent. The GBCs are a good way to get gold and iso since those are both guaranteed
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    It's alright
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Milestones were great, crystals were ok, if there wasn't as much low value trash in them it would have been better, if you were going to put scrap in them, it should have been in much higher amounts, and if you are going to put sig stones, you should have just stuck with generics, no real reason to have 10 crystals vs 2 +5 generics, the value difference isn't that great.
  • __SF____SF__ Member Posts: 308 ★★
    Simple…. Milestones A+. Actual rewards from the crystals as a paragon player… C- 50/50% with hard earned 300 units to pull something good or more T4CC , scrap etc.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,660 ★★★★★
    Milestones, great.
    Crystals, good.
    Gotten and used 4+ 6* gems.
    Alot of 5/6* shards, and scrap which I didn't mind, more 5* shards and cav crystals for iso.
    Happy with this event I am.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Great for me! Selfishly happy to be on the good end of RNG for once multiple generic 6* awakening gems, 100k+ 6* shards multiple 6* featured (obtained and awakened Galan, Quicksilver, Valkyrie) multiple 6* nexus (finally got nick fury and apoc) formed a t6CC (tech) tons of 5* shards, gold, iso, t5b and T2 alpha only 50k in scrap!
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    I got 3 featured six star hero crystals from these. First one, Shang(10/10), second, maw(not that bad ig, 5/10), last, BitterSt....uh, dupe of mr neg(idk, how to react, champion is good, but i don't use him, plus it was a roll over from brand new six star AA!, 3/10) rest were all trashy rewards for me. Wait, till tomorrow at least
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