Banquet Rewards

Ya know just when Kabam actually communicates not just in forums, but on the game itself about the delay and timeline of rewards, what does the community do? Find a reason to complain like it’s a hobby. I got mad respect for Kabam for actually putting a notice on the event in the game that there’ll be a delay in rewards, shows transparency. But the one thing the community complained they weren’t doing enough of, when they actually go and do it the community responds by complaining???? This is a hilariously embarrassing display the community has yet again put on. For the 6 millionth time, rewards are delayed for the purpose of cleaning leaderboards of modders and cheaters. Don’t like it? Sign a petition to let the modders and cheaters get rewards too so everyone can get their rewards “in a timely manner.” Can’t wait to see the awesome rewards you’ll get when the modders and cheaters are allowed to get rewards😁Hope you’ll post them in forums