First R4 Rank up advice

Use suicides masteries always and have 6 star genric awakening gem
First R4 Rank up advice 28 votes
Dr doom unawakened (fr prestige only)
5 votes
Bwcv unawakened (use her alot)
3 votes
Cgr unawakened (use a lot)
11 votes
Kitty pryde unawakened(just got n still not figured)
5 votes
Corvus unduped ( love him but not sure of him in new content)
0 votes
Diablo awakened (dont use much)
0 votes
Rintrah (just got n i n getting hang of him )
3 votes
Hitmonkey duped (does lot of work for me)
1 vote
N does well with suicides as well
But I use them about equally, although I use Diablo a lot more for tricky content. He's bonkers in BGs too; makes r4 things easy.
I also use corvus (r4), cgr (r3) and hit monkey (r3, but may become first skill r4) a LOT.
But, my main content clearers are herc r4/200, corvus r4, Diablo r4/200, apoc r4+cable r3, Omega red r4/200, HB r4, torch r3 and nimrod r4. With the occasional bwcv, Medusa, knull, iabom, overseer, warlock thrown in. And I have 8 r4 (can take up 2 more) and 28 r3 (can take up 12 more).
Suicides are a big investment and for me it wasn't so much the damage increase, but the free healing that was the attraction.
My roster is built around it.
So a big question, is why you have them turned on?
I also have kitty at r4 and she doesn't see much use at all. She's invaluable for what she does best, but if I really want to come out of a fight quickly and with most or all health left, herc, Omega and Diablo do it that much faster.
Genuinely don't know how much use you'd get out of doom.
So take up who you enjoy and who works best given the reasons you run suicides, but I hope the rationale of another user, is somewhat useful!
Unless i get super lucky to get 6 star Hercules in this week:))
Unless i get super lucky to get 6 star Hercules in this week:))
My roster has been built around suicides for 4 years now. Knull and KG both recent pulls and also pulled Ultron this week, who's going straight to r3 at level up event.
Missing kingpin, scorpion, Omega sentinel and guardian from the classic suicide friendly (have red mags duped r2) list.
Next r4s one of knull/kg/Angela with my 3-4 gem and probs cable and one of iabom/overseer/oghulk with my 6 t6b/t3a.
I'm not certain that all the people voting doom and kitty run suicides, or have built their roster around them. If you're lagacy in disguise, go with kitty. My suicides roster, broadly:
But dont want to take her as my 1st r4 cause fr reason u just said...doom and kitty not really sustainable champs with suicides on!!!