What if relics worked like this?

Like many others i find relics pretty useless and feels like they come in use only to extend the combo. So while playing the game I had an epiphany. That what if relics were actually synergy champs! like you can bind only 1 relic to a certain champ( like we do now) and that champ is synergy member. Example binding a apoc relic to cable! Cable won’t need a buff or anything after that… bind the relic and it activates the synergy!
We all want some of the synergies to be a part of the kit of champs but that hardly happens and this could be a the way of doing that in the future( that is if kabam decides to do something about useless relic situation).
I feel many people would’ve appreciated relics if kabam would’ve done this instead!
Do you guys think you would’ve like relics more if they came out like this?
We all want some of the synergies to be a part of the kit of champs but that hardly happens and this could be a the way of doing that in the future( that is if kabam decides to do something about useless relic situation).
I feel many people would’ve appreciated relics if kabam would’ve done this instead!
Do you guys think you would’ve like relics more if they came out like this?
And all synergies had an unlockable striker feature.
Can even use the existing relic currencies for both.
As currently implemented, Relics don't do a lot - and especially if they aren't 5* Relics.
I love the idea of Relics serving as faux synergy partners; add a Hulkbuster Relic to Stark Enhanced Spider-Man and Starky is treated as having the synergy with Hulkbuster activated. Or add a Juggy relic to Colossus, maybe Vision to Scarlet Witch. Theme overload...
The best part about this is that it uses mechanics already in the game. Already picked your five champs for a quest? Relics let you unlock more of your champion's abilities. The visuals (champ shadowed by their relic) would stay exactly the same.
Synergy Relics. This should be a thing.
Thronebreaker and Paragon objectives would need to give 6* Relic shards, Cavalier a mix of 5* and 6* Relic shards, Uncollected a mix of 4* and 5* Relic shards and so on.
Then strikers are a completely separate feature. Either activated via nodes in a specific game mode. Or they could be another level of synergy. Maybe have a lockable synergy that can be unlocked. If you have the synergy unlocked, and you bring a champs synergy partner, you get to use that champ as a striker which basically just extends the combo.
Another way could be that you will be able to activate the relic synergy per fight. However a 3* would only be available 3 times per quest. But a 5* 5 times. Or something along those lines.
So bringing the actual synergy partner would still be better. Since it would always be active. But if you only need the synergy for a certain fight or 2 fights. You could do it via a relic.
It would activate like a pre-fight ability of sorts.
You'd need to decide if synergy Relics were automatically activated in the likes of Arena but that wouldn't be a big thing. There's also the question of whether a synergy Relic would remain a striker but it won't break game balance even if it does.
This is awesome. Let's hope someone from Kabam picks this up when they are back in the office on Monday.
For example. If you were to do a long content mission. Like Abyss. If there were a proxima/starlord relic. you could put it on Aegon. You could put it on a certain number of times while ramping him up (dependend on the starlevel of your relic).
This would eliminate the need of a synergy partner, since it is only useful for a certain portion of the quest. And would give great quality of life.
Again. The relic synergy would only be usable 3-5 times.
To keep in the need of leveling the relics you could give a certain % of a chance to refresh 1 prefight after all are depleted dependend on the dupe level of the relic.
And leveling up via sintels might give a tiny boost in attack or crit rate, whatever suits the relic best. Or honostly just remove the leveling up completely.
in every game mode with 4 charges without the need of having cable in the team. Don't you see that this would break a lot of things?
Let's take another example. Eternity Of Pain. If this type of content comes around again you will basically be able to bypass the 1 champ team limit.
What about carina challenges? These challenges gonna be much easier than before.
Also you wouldn't be bypassing the 1 champ limit. You'd have the 1 champ plus an unlocked synergy provided by the Synergy Relic. Bit different.
The other thing is that this will make Relics interesting and desirable for acquiring by more players, if general perception is to be believed.
That's too much power for a champion to possess if you ask me.
It will for sure make relics sound more appealing but is it the right solution?
The right solution should be to get rid of relics and devote that development time somewhere else in the game but meh. They aren't gonna back off now.
When the first maxed 6* relic happens, it will all make sense.
I`m sure there are synergies like Apoc and Cable that would be amazing. But honostly. Does having apoc at 4 charges really break the game that much? There are only a handful of examples where you only need 1 activation to have the benefits the entire quest.
I understand that my idea is not without holes. But we have a very smart team of game designers who's job it is to do so.