BG Selection Hangup

Experienced a “new to me” BG bug: while waiting for the opponent to place a defender, I watched his timer count down to zero, then stay there flashing for about 10 seconds without any defender showing for him.
Then the screen showed his defender placed and mine auto-placed. As MCoC luck would have it, of course my auto-selected defender wasn’t one of the defenders I selected but instead my primary attacker.
This unique to me? Or has anyone else experienced it? There’s no recourse—sure file a ticket, get a bland but polite auto-response that goes nowhere. But it’s still frustrating to set up a match well only to have the game bungle it for you.
Dr. Zola
Then the screen showed his defender placed and mine auto-placed. As MCoC luck would have it, of course my auto-selected defender wasn’t one of the defenders I selected but instead my primary attacker.
This unique to me? Or has anyone else experienced it? There’s no recourse—sure file a ticket, get a bland but polite auto-response that goes nowhere. But it’s still frustrating to set up a match well only to have the game bungle it for you.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
A guy I know got hit with it too.
Dr. Zola
Instead, I’m greeted by two selections from my opponent (his 1st round) and I’ve already (automatically) selected Falcon. Fine selection, but not one I affirmatively made.
Come on, game.
Dr. Zola