Cavalier difficulty

I’m level 52 and I have a good 10, 6* characters but I can’t seem to beat act 6 chapter 1 I’m 1 chapter away from becoming cavalier but my max character is at 13000 and I’m going up against 25-40k enemies. Is this a bug? Or am I missing something. It honestly seems unfair because of how fast I lose my champions and I can’t find tier 5 class catalysts or tier 6 catalysts to get past rank 3 on my 6*s
Just watch carefully what you have, what you are facing, and what are the best paths for your acc, if you give us some info we can help you better
I assume he meant to say one quest away from being Cavalier, so he must be either at 6.1.5 or 6.1.6😉
6.1.1 definitely represents a shift in not just the level of difficulty, but how that difficulty is delivered to the player. You can't go through Act 6 in general as if it was Act 5 only harder. It isn't numerically harder, it is stylistically harder. You have to learn how to play the way the nodes need you to play. This takes practice.
I can only imagine what players would have been saying had 6.1.1 released in its beta form. That was all kinds of fun.
The issue is that Act 6 is a huge step forward in difficulty from Act 5. The early Variants (particularly 1-3) were released with the intention of being step stones towards Act 6. While they no longer have the most relevant rewards, I’d recommend looking there (or other Variant content) to help get your skill level up to where it needs to be for Act 6.
I just want to make it clear that this isn’t meant to be a “git gud” post. The difficulty jump is real and substantial, and you are going to need to become proficient in fights in a way that you previously did not need to be in order to progress. But once you develop those skills and mechanical understanding, the game actually opens up to be a lot more fun.
But a lot of us did act 6 with an r4 5* because that is all we could do. That was before 2 nerfs.
So this really does come down to just practice more with the fights and find out what works for you.
Bro did NOT just post this roster and claim he's having trouble with act 6.1
Like many have said already, act 6 is a huge jump in difficulty compared to act 5.
You should really spend the time to grow your roster. Kingpin will be your next rank up priority btw.
The first couple of times I tried 6.1.1 I couldn't get past the first few fights without dying. I spent a whole week just trying and trying again and again til I got used to just tanking special attacks on block and only dashing back whenever they charged heavy. Muscle memory finally started doing it's job and it was a piece of cake.
As for the rest of 6.1 though I really wouldn't know what advice to give because I did all the rest of the quests in one try with no issues whatsoever. I brought certain champs for certain fights (white mag pre-fight for crossbones for example) but the nodes themselves weren't really as hard as the one in 6.1.1 so if you can do 6.1.1 without dying, the rest of 6.1 shouldn't be as hard.