Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
And wrong. Ultron prime is the trophy champ.
Nope. Ultron Prime. You can find him in many places.
Ultron Classic. The trophy champ and one of four champs that are not 6* yet. Re OP's question, Ultron Prime is probably much better than Guillotine.
It depends on your situation. If you’re doing a really long fight, guillotine is probably your go to. But if it’s less long and opponent is not bleed immune (and as a cherry on top you have HB on your team), I’d say ultron
Ultron is better. And for longer fights I wouldn't use Guilly nowadays, if you get hit you will start over there are always huge risk with her play style. She is not like Aegon or Hercules once you ramped up no one can take it from you.
Guilly is only better in few situations when you need power control or you have damage boost from nodes.
Bro when your say Ultron prime he’s a trophy champ that really doesn’t do much in todays game. Now if your talking about Ultron well I would say Ultron for sure over Guilly but if your talking about trophy champ Ultron prime then Guilly
Ultron prime is the one you can pull from crystals. Ultron classic is the trophy champ
In 90% of situations ultron will be more useful for you. The few situations where guillotine can outshine ultron require you to have a perfect fight, be facing an opponent with constant regen buff, or having a special 3 ready when your opponent is at 6% health. Ultron also has the added bonus that when awakened he can regen energy damage delt to him. The amount regenerated is based off his sig level but that can easily be increased with the availability of 5* sig stones available as you progress.
Ultron is better. And for longer fights I wouldn't use Guilly nowadays, if you get hit you will start over there are always huge risk with her play style. She is not like Aegon or Hercules once you ramped up no one can take it from you.
Guilly is only better in few situations when you need power control or you have damage boost from nodes.
Am I wrong?
Re OP's question, Ultron Prime is probably much better than Guillotine.
Guilly is only better in few situations when you need power control or you have damage boost from nodes.