Just wanted to share something cool, u will be very SHOCKED from it, regarding Psycho man...

Just look at that! Over 100K Shock dmg!! Even I who knew what he can do was pretty... SHOCKED myself
And 71 hits very good!
I just thought that was cool. R4 with synergies but still... pretty cool for a champ that's considered Meme tier. If anyone want to see the fight, sure.
Also don't just hit the disagree button, cuz sometimes it feels ppl r auto clicking it just cuz I'm the writer
Note: He also requires a bit of a ramp up
U can't judge Psycho man how u judge any other cuz he isn't really as good
I get it his time and everything isn't what Gorr and Omega red and all the fastest champs users are used to, but ppl have to remember it's Psycho man, so seeing him doing THIS, should be pretty cool for ppl
Because who would've thought?
So I don't get why do I get these disagrees
Due to this mentality, they look at psychoman doing a ton of shock damage and call him weak because herc can do it faster.
I remember using 4* Beast, that was before I knew to... play with champs like do rotations and stuff, used him in the early acts he was one of if not my first 4*
Don't test champs like it's 2019.
Test them in LOL now.
Kudos for using your favourite champ.