AW off-season war that counted
As you can see by the photos, we have started the new season off 3-0 and our currently ranked 115 in Platinum 3. This is odd considering that we ended last season ranked 59th in Platinum 3. How is this possible? My guess is because of the off-season war we lost that we were unprepared for and did not know it was going to count. I have provided all proof in this matter. I don’t know how this can be rectified, but I know we were promised compensation, I am just curious if we’re actually going to get it? Because I’m sure we’re not the only alliance that had this happen to us. Thank you.
Following the messy first off-season war, War Rating was reverted for any alliances who lost that matchup.
I see where the rating was restored, but we ended losing a tier because of it. We went from tier 3 to tier 4 because of the loss. And our tier was never restored, meaning when we started the season in tier 4 instead of 3, we were at a disadvantage and other alliances were able to score more than us.
Ticket was responded too, they did indeed admit that this should not have happened and are investigating to see what can be done. Thanks for the quick response Kabam! Looking forward to update via forums or in game messaging.
The Ticket Response you show above was most likely a reply based just looking at your supplied (original) pics, without realizing that (as Kabam Jax mentioned) they had already rectified the erroneous WR change from that off-season war.
So when Support said “hopefully we will have a resolution to this at the soonest time possible”, that either the aforementioned resolution had already been done, or that your Reply was prior to the resolution that Jax mentioned (recopied below). ** 2 **
For the following summarization, I’m just gonna round everything related to your WR to nice even 50 increments, as your actual numbers are pretty close to being on 50 boundaries already, and it's easier to discuss it this way…
(from your off-season LOSS pic) Looks like you previously had a WR of 2800, and so when your opponent Won their WR (erroneously) went up to the 2850 shown in pic. And (unseen), your WR had erroneously dropped to 2750.
Next off-season war (Loss) they had fixed the problem where WR was changing, so no further reduction to your WR, so you were still at an unseen 2750. (opponent their shown as 2738, the furthest away from my 50 incremental example, but remaining examples get closer to the 50 increments below).
At some point (probably right before new season started), they corrected your WR to be back to 2800 (the point it looks like it was PRIOR to that erroneous off-season war). And so that 1st war WIN resulted in your opponent falling do to 2750 (while yours increased to 2850).
2nd war (WIN), you opponent that war falls from 2850 to 2800), while yours increased to 2900.
And 3rd war (WIN), that opponent falls from 2900 to 2850 (approx, actual is shown in pic of 2859), while yours increased from 2900 to 2950 (approx, remember I’m using close-enough simplified 50 increments).
So your starting point was corrected before season started back to be your correct 2800 (instead of the incorrect 2750 it had been thru the off-season until their fixed things) and after 3 Wins you are at a correct (approx) 2950.
So that does NOT seem to be a problem.
** 3 **
As to your being in Tier 3 vs 4, Tier is strictly based on everyone’s War Ratings who are now doing Wars this season (which slightly changes each season as the # of alliances doing Wars either increases or decreases).
What might have also affected you slightly, is that Jax's statement seems to indicate that while any team who LOST that off-season war (like you) did indeed have their WR restored correctly, it sounds like that any team who had WON that war was NOT gonna be punished by having their WR increase taken away from them (there would probably have been outrage if they were to have done that).
I’m not sure if that is the case or not, but looks like it could have been that way.
So while YOUR War Rating is correct, some other teams WR might have been 1 single war's worth of “+ WR change” higher than what they maybe should be at.
But, the “Resolution/Fix” was done, and if some teams are basically 1 war's +/- progression worth further along than others, well, I doubt they are gonna go back and do anything different about it now.
EDIT: my bad, didn’t read his second post.
Could have been that earlier in the previous season they were at a higher Tier points than where they finished up the season at.
So the overall Season finished as having a higher share of points earlier than later.
And so when began this season they started out more along the line of what Tier they were doing at the end of previous season (as opposed to the their “average” Tier during that season).
The only pics showing what Tier some wars were at was the ones for the off-season wars, which can sometimes indeed be different from an in-season wars, depending on how many teams (and of what WR's distribution) were NOT doing those off-season wars.
But what Tiers you are in during the off-season really has no bearing on exactly what Tier you are in during actual season.
Also keep in mind their WR itself might have qualified them for a Tier-3 War to start the season, but because they may have been matched in a cross-Tier war (against a Tier-4 Ally, playing on a Tier-4 map + multiplier) versus potentially even lower WR's around them getting matched against same Tier-3 Ally’s and so got more points than what this team did (if indeed their war was in Tier 4, which they really hadn’t shown in any pics for new in-season).
Yep, so looks like Tiers 4, 4, 3, for a 5.0 average Multiplier (4.5, 4.5, 6.0)