How much do you enjoy battlegrounds?



  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Hard to say, because there are so many caveats. I think I like the *idea* of BGs. As it is executed, however, it’s only viable because the team chose to bribe the player base into participating with a great rewards store.

    Bugs, broken inputs, disconnections…all of this suggests to me the team’s hardware isn’t able to handle the mode. Whether it is unique to BGs or a holdover from the year of input issues is anyone’s guess, but it’s really a janky, unreliable mode. That’s both demoralizing and frustrating.

    Add to that the current structure that lavishly rewards smaller accounts with progression at a fraction of the effort for more developed rosters and it’s almost like the team wants to irritate the player base.

    One last thing…emotes. Dumb.

    So why do I play it at all? The store and the goodies. That’s it.

    Dr. Zola

  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    The enjoyment I have is from opening crystals rather than getting emote spammed. It's an obvious choice. However, some seasons push you and test your limits like not too long ago with the armor up thing. It forced you to play smarter and change it up allowing strategies to form. That is what I enjoy from this not some go fight whoever kills first wins ****
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 267 ★★
    I like BattleGrounds
    I would love it, if there weren't cheaters, but unfortunately it looks like kabam can't do anything to stop them.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I like BattleGrounds
    It's understandable that almost 55% do not "like" BGs. It can be stress, frustration inducing if you don't have experience with online competitive multiplayer (OCM) games.

    Even though this is on a smaller scale, it has the exact issues that plague most OCM games.

    Some things can be improved and I'm sure they will be in near future. My only advice will be to play it if it's fun, don't play it for FOMO. Same advice applies to any available game mode in mcoc.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    If Kabam would get out of their own way I'd probably love BGs.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    Some BG meta makes the game mode less fun to play.
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    I hate Battlegrounds, only play it for the rewards
    My prob with BGs is the matchmaking. I'm cavalier and I shouldn't be matched against Paragon players It has happened too many times for my liking
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    I would love bgs if Kabam cleaned up the Mercs and mods. Shocked there haven't been ban waves b4 end of season.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    Can't get the amount of rewards available anywhere else so it doesn't matter whether I like it or not.

  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I like BattleGrounds
    I like BG, but it takes a lot of effort to get out of the Victory Track and even more to push in the Gladiator's Circuit. I've been feeling a little burnt out these last two seasons. Last season I made a last-ditch push to at least get into the GC, but this season I'm still in the VC.

    We'll see if I'm more "there" next season. I really did enjoy the first few seasons, after all. It's a fun game mode.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    Can't get the amount of rewards available anywhere else so it doesn't matter whether I like it or not.

    This, I think, is a significant issue. The team can keep reciting the mantra that “you can’t play it all,” but if the rewards from other modes are allowed to lag BGs so badly then you effectively have little choice.

    I realize the BG store must be good to make people play. But the gap between stores for BGs and, say, Loyalty, Glory, Incursions needs to shrink.

    Dr. Zola
  • Ravens20Ravens20 Member Posts: 77
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    BG is one of my favorite Mode however i think there's a lot of work to be done between the bugs( inputs, Parry etc.) and poor nodes combination i think Kabam need to go back to the drawing board and work out some of the Bugs and when coming up with nodes combinations making sure both are not nodes that limits roster development and also nodes that's so taxing that it encourages players to do two 5 hit combos and pause and hope for the best, i don't have an issue with the pause being there i just feel the point system should be changed, if you pause the fight for more than 20 seconds the round should be an automatic forfeit, and you can only pause once per round, also -1k points for pausing every 10 seconds so the full 20 seconds would be -2k points and more than 20 seconds automatic forfeit of match.
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    I don’t like Battlegrounds
    First season or 2 when it was fresh I loved BGs, now I really don't. I still see the potential but being kicked out of a winning match randomly when you only need that to continue get your next rewards just sucks and has happened multiple times now.
    Along with the things long since described by other users.

    If changes are made it could very well become my favorite game mode
  • Ravens20Ravens20 Member Posts: 77
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds

    First season or 2 when it was fresh I loved BGs, now I really don't. I still see the potential but being kicked out of a winning match randomly when you only need that to continue get your next rewards just sucks and has happened multiple times now.
    Along with the things long since described by other users.

    If changes are made it could very well become my favorite game mode

    Getting into GC was painful i would win 4 and only need one more and bam run into a match that would disconnect and i would lose now i have to win two matches in a row instead of moving into the next rank.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    VT was far more grindy than ever before. Lost enthusiasm in BGs as a result. I did make GC with both my accounts but man it was a real slog.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    I’m neutral towards Battlegrounds
    I only play it 3 or 4 days towards the end of the season every month to avoid the stress and also get some rewards from it.
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    I hate Battlegrounds, only play it for the rewards
    Matchmaking severely penalizes top heavy rosters (mainly those that pushed for Paragon).

    Tokens are annoying and an unnecessary wall to advancement.

    RNG frequently plays a role in outcomes.

    Emotes are childish and breed toxic behavior.

    There is a lot of wasted time staring at screens.

    I can forgive all the bugs; those are unintentional. All of the above have been heavily complained about before and Kabam has made the conscious decision to do it their way regardless. Matchmaking has been a problem since day 1. Kabam continues to try and manipulate matches via algorithms instead of standard ladder based matches.
  • Zenn_LaZenn_La Member Posts: 84
    I like BattleGrounds
    I voted “I like” because it’s mostly the mode I’ve been playing recently due to being busy at my job,etc. The truth is I have a Love/Hate relationship with Battlegrounds. I love the mode as incursions has terrible rewards and is time consuming and a bad partner screws you, I don’t have time for an alliance and the monthly quest and story mode is repetitive to 100% and BG has good rewards and is always a new challenge.

    All the problems with the mode have been addressed by everyone else here but I’ll chime in too and these are the things I hate.

    *Bad control inputs(parry,dex,block not working, character dashing wrong way, Sp or heavy not triggering,etc.) game crashing bugs & ridiculous AI behavior make some fights unfair and things happen that shouldn’t happen if the game was working correctly. The AI also seems to know when it doesn’t want you to advance as it will cheat and hit you from across the screen, through your block, etc,etc when you are playing well and advancing quickly or sometimes it’s an accident and the controls don’t work properly and you get clobbered most the time playing against r3/r4 defenders you’re done for if one glitch gets you.

    *The instant lose bug & cheating modders. Nothing better than losing your progress, resources and valuable time because of a scandalous cheater or the game just crashing.

    * The matchmaking thing needs to be addressed! No reason noobs should be breezing into GC with big rewards and Paragon players are stuck in Bronze,Silver,Gold or Platinum for the whole season. At least scale the rewards for title so they get lesser rewards or give them their own “league” based on Total rating and keep TB and Paragons in the “Big league” with better rewards. Also matchmaking & RNG drafting is sometimes a joke. I’m 2.1 mil Paragon with 6 r4 champs. I had 2 wins last night and was about to progress out of Platinum 3 and then faced a 4.1 mil account with bad RNG champ draft, needless to say this battle was unwinnable and next I faced a 3.6 mil account with every God tier champ at r3/r4, so right back to zero for me. I know Kabam wants to make money off Victory shields and this type of consistent BS progress hindering matchmaking & RNG confirms that. They want you to get frustrated enough to start buying as many shields as needed to advance and not start from zero. I had 2 back to back wins in Gold 1 6 times!!!! But then lost every time in the 3rd round and had to stay stuck for a while and lose 1,2 or 3 or sometimes 5 matches in a row and start over. Please get rid of losing medals and just increase medals needed to advance or something or make the matchmaking better.

    * The new Emotes are so stupid. Once again I know Kabam wants to make money and monetize a new chachsky but these things are so annoying. I lost to that guy with the 4.1 mil account and he keeps flashing mocking emotes, like dude bro, grow up and realize your account is double mine and I drafted horrible counters, of course you’re most likely going to easily win, you’re a big fat whale and skill had little to do with the fights. These things are toxic and childish and I never use them even if I crush someone, especially with all the glitches in the game. Please give those of us that fight with honor and people older than 12 the option to perma block these things in settings.

    * I hate to be this guy BUT zero compensation for any of these issues and continuing to support the game. Think of all the time and resources we have been robbed of due to the issues with the game glitching, input issues and cheaters and Kabam hasn’t compensated for any of it. How about a few thousand trophy tokens or something man.

    If Kabam listens to the players Battlegrounds will be the best part of the game for consistent playability and consistent rewards but these issues need to be worked on and fixed.
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