SM99 not working as intended

In previous wars SM99 was the go to boss killer because would heal the entirety of the fight with “recoil” masteries on. I have videos that show this. I sent a ticket in on 2/20 and got the generic “we will look into it”. It is still bugged. I have not changed masteries and used the same boosts as previous fights.
Regardless, I've put this in front of the game team. There aren't a ton of details to lead their investigation, but we're working on finding more.
The team was aware of this issue, and it is fixed in a future update!
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Old boss node had true strike. New node doesn't, so sm99 takes full damage, from all sources.
//a third of bugs reported on this forum are because people can't or don't bother to read nodes and champ abillities