Paragon Stamp card selector.

NikkoNikko Member Posts: 24
Unable to purchase from store despite having the correct amount.


  • Fit2btiedFit2btied Member Posts: 16
    Same here. The store displays zero stamps collected.
  • NikkoNikko Member Posts: 24
    Maybe it will be fixed next update.
  • Super_carcajouSuper_carcajou Member Posts: 23
    I’m having the same problem. I own 7 TB stamps, but can’t complete the purchase of the Paragon deal from store.

    Please have look into this @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra .

    Thank you
  • Super_carcajouSuper_carcajou Member Posts: 23

  • TheWeave23TheWeave23 Member Posts: 16
    Same here. Was able to trade in Cavalier stamps but not Paragon. Thanks for looking into it

  • infektedmushroominfektedmushroom Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2023
    If you preview the paragon stamp the offers changed. There are more shards and now a t5c frag crystal. They definitely broke it when seemingly attempting to upgrade the card, probably adding in a true TB level that is not visible yet. Probably adjusting the offers to match the titles like the difficulty naming change a while back. The other two cards have their rewards bumped up as well.
  • SaiwaSaiwa Member Posts: 5
    Same problem for me
  • demboyz16demboyz16 Member Posts: 38
    I sent a ticket and got a response from support team stating that the tickets normally traded for Paragon selector will not be the same with the increase in items from paragon selector
  • DiNiceaDiNicea Member Posts: 18
    Yes today I was supposed to open my 7th paragon and 0... Plus the 6th paragon stamps disappeared too... Got a message from Jason saying that they are adjusting the daily offers... I guess something went wrong again... He wrote that he can see my 6 paragon stamps so we have to wait till the issue is resolved...
  • SaiwaSaiwa Member Posts: 5
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★★
    If they making a new TB selector containing what the Paragon one had, and we get this better selector as paragons, fine, great. But if we can't use our stamps for the new paragon selector, when we were purchasing PARAGON selector stamps all these days/weeks etc, but they ll be eligible for the "new" TB one, this is a ripoff.
  • demboyz16demboyz16 Member Posts: 38
    Yes there should've been an in game mail notification advising of the change so that those (paragon players) that were purchasing the thronebreaker dailies with the assumption of receiving paragon tickets would be aware of the change and could proceed with confidence instead of being blind sided with an unknown change.
  • NikkoNikko Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2023
    I’m curious why they didn’t just rename the paragon TB, and release the new stuff when available.
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★
    The current daily offer still contains a TB stamp, it must be a mistake. I cannot believe we can’t use something they are currently selling

    Really? You change a product and prevent customers from buying based on an unannounced change.

  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    And this message from support doesn't explain the disappearance of any TB stamps we had in our inventory.
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 273 ★★
    Looks like Kabam test directly in Production.. no wonder … Kabam hire a good IT team to streamline ur process
  • DiNiceaDiNicea Member Posts: 18
    Kabam has not yet coverted the ex Paragon stamps ( Thronebreaker daily ) to the new Paragon Stamps. You can see it in the Thronebraker daily cristal clearly but they even have not transfer to the cavalier stamp selector... Still not working... BUT The Paragon cristal is Awesome !
  • DiNiceaDiNicea Member Posts: 18
    In fact they need to add a Thronebraker Stamp Card Selector to be logical...
    They 4 daily cristal offers and only 3 Stamp card selectors ???
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,155 ★★★★★
    DiNicea said:

    Kabam has not yet coverted the ex Paragon stamps ( Thronebreaker daily ) to the new Paragon Stamps. You can see it in the Thronebraker daily cristal clearly but they even have not transfer to the cavalier stamp selector... Still not working... BUT The Paragon cristal is Awesome !

    Was there a stamp in the Paragon daily offer? I bought it, but was so excited I didn't see if there was one, and don't have one in my inventory. Just the old TB ones.
  • DiNiceaDiNicea Member Posts: 18
    @willrun4adonut No stamp in the Paragon daily offer BUT I have 1 Paragon stamp in my Paragon Stamp card Selector since I bough the Paragon offer this morning.
  • DiNiceaDiNicea Member Posts: 18
    I just bought the Thronebreaker daily to see where it will be added and it went nowhere ... not in Cavalier not in Paragon I guess they really need to add one more Thrownbreaker Stamp card selector otherwise it does not make sense...
  • OwlkitOwlkit Member Posts: 61
    I am guessing this will be fixed when the team returns to work on Monday.
    The fact that the players weren't told about this prior is bad form though.
  • _Pez__Pez_ Member Posts: 247 ★★★
    On the plus side, mythic nexus in the daily crystals now!
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,155 ★★★★★
    DiNicea said:

    @willrun4adonut No stamp in the Paragon daily offer BUT I have 1 Paragon stamp in my Paragon Stamp card Selector since I bough the Paragon offer this morning.

    Thanks. I didn't think of checking the Paragon stamp collector, just my inventory. Problem solved.
  • GamerKniteGamerKnite Member Posts: 181 ★★
    People paid actual money for the stamps so they will have to do something. I have 4 currently that are useless
  • JOE_SOLOJOE_SOLO Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2023

    Really? You change a product and prevent customers from buying based on an unannounced change.

    This is some BS !! I lost my words for this type of ....

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    Why would Kabam do this unannounced,!??

    I have 180 tickets saved for that Paragon Stamp Card Selector,

    And so if any updated ThroneBreaker Stamp Card Selector is coming, it better be they same as it was for the ParagonSTS or even better,
  • shuguanyushuguanyu Member Posts: 17
    I have 7 Thronebreaker stamps and was intending to use them today, but now I cannot redeem them.
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