Reworked Champs

So Kabam has been reworking Champs hopefully to improve them, but sometimes it doesn't work. Have you guys been able to use any, if not all of the, reworked champs, and have they improved or gotten worse in your opinion?
Because for me, right before Rocket's rework came out Kabam gave me 2-3 6 stars of him and I was getting mad at RNG, but with his rework I actually enjoy using him especially against rapid healers like Sinister, and Sabertooth
Because for me, right before Rocket's rework came out Kabam gave me 2-3 6 stars of him and I was getting mad at RNG, but with his rework I actually enjoy using him especially against rapid healers like Sinister, and Sabertooth
But if they rework all garbage and old characters it will be better but Kabam as we know...
Going back, Hood's buff made me look at him again and I'm desperately hunting the 6*. Red Mags was amazing, as was Colossus. DDHK was a hit and a miss at the same time, the Regen Rate hack being one of my most disliked mechanics in the whole game.
For the most part they have been ok or good.
But most are just forgettable
Recent ones have been good like Gorr, Chavez & Hulk
But Spidey & Iceman will be forgettable if not changed
Rocket was decent.....his buff idea was good but doing nothing about his sustainability has gimped his effectiveness & as a result, his popularity & use case
Ice-Man has utility in his kit already, but hopefully his buff will just put a bit extra oomph into the kit.