How are we suppose to compete content like abyss or EOP?

I mean this has been mentioned for a while but seriously kabam, how desperate can you be? You want us to buy revives for content when you yourself put it out that’s in a way that’s almost impossible to complete itemless because of things like skirmish charges. Also, In the instance of EOP yeah it could be done itemless if played correctly, but some of the objectives make it so that it can’t be solo or just makes it really hard to not die. It’s mind boggling that I’m
Losing brain cells trynna comprehend how y’all think it’s such a great idea. This has done no harm yet you choose take it away like as if it’s our fault you put content that’s just not going to be cleared without using a crazy amount of items. I do know certain things can be completed itemless, but that has been getting significantly harder with the input issues. Kabam you guys gotta re-think this through or like I said before you guys are just digging your graves lol.
Losing brain cells trynna comprehend how y’all think it’s such a great idea. This has done no harm yet you choose take it away like as if it’s our fault you put content that’s just not going to be cleared without using a crazy amount of items. I do know certain things can be completed itemless, but that has been getting significantly harder with the input issues. Kabam you guys gotta re-think this through or like I said before you guys are just digging your graves lol.
Farming act 1-3 has not been around for THAT long. And when abyss was released it was not a thing like it is now.
Don`t get me wrong. I prefer the direct revive farming much much much more.
But before it was a thing we did arena to farm units and buy the revives.
I think that is kind of the issue with the revive changes. I do see kabams side of things, revives are probably too easy to get right now, there should be more of a unit investment to clear difficult content.
But if they cut revive farming down to the levels they're suggesting it won't be feasible to do some of the higher level content before the rewards are out of date unless you spend a lot of money/arena farming.
There's definitely a happy middle to be found where you're still probably going to have to dip into your units to complete something like eop carina or do some arena farming but won't have to spend a fortune. Kabams current suggestion would cut that content off from even someone like me who spends a fair bit. You'd have to spend over a month between paths or spend 100's. Anyone f2p or close would have no chance.
A big part is how ineffectual healing is as well. A full stash of healing doesn't do much because of how little even the bigger pots heal. You could probably cut revives down if you made healing more useful.
For me, I'm deciding whether to simply write off Abyss, Carina's Challenges etc because I'm not prepared to spend the amount of units required. When you aren't superhuman good and don't have a specific roster to tackle it, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Which is basically what Kabam has already said about not being able to do everything in the game.
I end up staying current with progression through offers, but that’s also the problem, the current game ecosystem is out of balance and every move like this just further slants the deck. At times it does start to feel like they are moving to a paid subscription to play model, and this is one of those times. I think that’s why this is so frustrating.
Personally, it’s not about the revive farm, it’s about yet another move the last few years tilting the scales just a bit more. And with all this investment I’d prefer seeing more action on things I care about like inputs, AI timing and visual prompt inaccuracy, and cheating.
There use to be a path that guaranteed a revive every time, but Kabam removed it saying it was only meant for early game players.