Sandbagging in Battleground.

Some players with more than four 6 star rank 4 champions are using 1 and 2 star champion. And I have been matching them frequently. It won't allow me to go past silver 2. Isn't it a unfair for players like me to play against these players? Why don't we consider it a form of cheating.
they put themselves at a big disadvantage and it's kinda funny when I fight a sandbagger and they instantly quit or when they have to draft 2*s
Sandbagging is not a problem
And obviously, as everyone else has pointed out, sandbagging doesn't work as a means to manipulate matchmaking anymore.
Also would like my dollar
Kabam uses actual roster strength NOT BG roster for matchmaking purposes.
Fair is fair...your dollar is in the mail pending an address (I live in the stone ages without Venmo, PayPal, etc.).
When their champs have 2 r4 6* and rest 1* or 2* ,the champs we get to select in the fight would be of less rating, like r1 6* or any other kind
compare the rating
he have more than 4 champs with 12k and above and I only got to select my 7k to 9k champs
Both times, I was matched up against rosters that were primarily r4 and r5 6 stars with some r3s 6 stars as well.
Based on OP persistence, I tested this out myself and 100% confirmed that sandbagging does NOT work. Now I'm just annoyed with myself for wasting 30 energy over this silly test.
I don't spend tons of time trying to correct this misconception, because why should we? Anyone who wants to continue doing that is welcome to it. I keep hoping I get matched against them, but they are becoming fewer and farther between.
I actually like it when there are consequences for being wrong. People can make up all kinds of lunatic conspiracies about how crystals work, but because they are random no misconception about them can hurt a player either way. Random is random. But when a player thinks sandbagging works even when they are told it doesn't work and Kabam says they eliminated that strategy, I'm perfectly fine with people stubbornly doing it anyway. That's the penalty for being wrong.
Although I think in many cases it is less about being stubborn, and more about not caring at all about deck management. They set it and forgot it, and can't be bothered to fix it. Because many decks I see with 2* champs in them are also highly dubious for the current meta at the time.