Used to look forward to April Fools

With all the craziness in game why choose to only Fool your players rather than give them something fun to do instead of a slap in the face?
Taking away revive farming replacing it with something that will take you forever and cost more to get what you need.
Crashing is still a problem for some.
Missed inputs for some.
Champs that really need a buff.
Champs that were great debuffed.
Cheaters in several areas.
Ect ect ect
I used to look forward to the April Fools Day event. It’s been fun in the past with the big heads and such. I love Deadpool events. It was always easy content to just have fun and get some rewards. This crystal just feels like a mean joke from your bully in school.
You could’ve done something that would make your player base happy but instead it’s just a bag full of nothing. A nothing burger that frustrates instead of inspires.
Make the game fun again please.
Taking away revive farming replacing it with something that will take you forever and cost more to get what you need.
Crashing is still a problem for some.
Missed inputs for some.
Champs that really need a buff.
Champs that were great debuffed.
Cheaters in several areas.
Ect ect ect
I used to look forward to the April Fools Day event. It’s been fun in the past with the big heads and such. I love Deadpool events. It was always easy content to just have fun and get some rewards. This crystal just feels like a mean joke from your bully in school.
You could’ve done something that would make your player base happy but instead it’s just a bag full of nothing. A nothing burger that frustrates instead of inspires.
Make the game fun again please.
Well if you sell it you get this **** too.
You didn't grind out the crystal, so you don't have a sense of pride and accomplishment. On the contrary, you have a sense of shame and incompetence.
I get that. I’m just sayin I look forward to their wacky events. April Fools being my favorite cause you get some weird stuff. With last month’s side quest being incursions it would’ve been nice to have a fun event again. They have done some really cool things in the past and I was just let down this year so yeah I’m complaining a bit saying I’d love more out of stuff they’ve historically done that were pro player. Easyish content that gives some pretty decent stuff with a twist is fun. Weird nodes that are easy once you figure it out. Bobble heads. Just weird stuff I look forward to.
With them taking away pro player stuff it just feels like a bad joke at a bad time.
I do appreciate the explanation on the selling gem title. That helped some.
I’m a bit immature.
Manny hand is cramping like crazy!
Nothing. Nothing after all that. Don’t waste your time. Dang that’s some bs.
Plus, if you trade it in, you get this:
Doesn't exactly fill you with positivity for the Contest, does it?
April Fools is one thing, but this is just rude.
And There You Go. Ha. What the heck. Popped 10k nothing. Rolled one and got it. Wow. That’s something.