Side Quest - Missing Items

I have completed 3 paths. First I took havok path, then CGR path and last i tood wasp path. I saw video of Mr RichTheMan and he got the vault in one completion whereas my inventory is missing that. Please guide me if I am missing something or it's just a visual bug?

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
This is what happened on the second attempt
And this is the answer from the support
So what!?! What do you mean with careful review??? There is no safe in my account!
We're aware some of you did not receive a Sinister Vault from the appropriate path. We will be sending them out to the impacted accounts as soon as we're able to collect all the necessary back end information.
Support likely hadn't received the appropriate information yet and thus sent the above response.
I'm not sure of the timeline just yet, but it should be soon!
Because this is what just happened to me!!
If you completed it while it was broken then you have to wait for the mail with the vault – don't waste your keys.
Agent Venom, Howard the Duck Path
Are 2 rewards is together or seperate?