Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

AI able to throw special attacks in the middle of a successful heavy attack



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    SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Posts: 205 ★★
    DDHK needs to stop focusing on punching beings in a different dimension and start focusing on what is right in front of his face 😂
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    AP1XAP1X Posts: 1
    I’m having the problems of all above complaints, send tickets in quick response but NO FIX. A month has passed free Throne Breaker Crystals DO NOT BUILD Up every four hours. Can I get some kind of Maintenance??
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    Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Posts: 306 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    The_nutz said:

    I actually blame dorky dave selling his soul to kabam

    @The_nutz you’re kidding right? Dorky Dave works in Marketing bro - get a grip my man. 😂
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    DeremusDeremus Posts: 136 ★★
    And the crazy part is the video proof that they have now
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    Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Posts: 306 ★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @Deremus They are aware of the issues because they have been going on a long time. If these issues affected the money they made this stuff would be worked on a lot faster and probably fixed but it’s actually making them more money and people continue to spend so they are in no rush to fix this. If Kabam really cared about the player base resources would have been provided to users to combat the issues until they fixed it.

    The last time the community got together and made a stand was the last time Kabam scrambled to get things sorted and once that died down they went back to old practices.

    Absolutely correct @Deremus! As long as ppl keep playing and paying, nothing will change.
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    Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Posts: 306 ★★★
    Maybe taking away farmed revives/pots will get summoners to actually care about all these garbage fight mechanic issues/bugs that are making them have to use all the revives/pots for in the first place???

    One can only hope. :/
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    BosleyBosley Posts: 259 ★★★
    I find it very suspect that the AI difficulty/speed/reaction time whatever we're calling it has been ramped up right before this new farming change....... :\
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    Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Posts: 306 ★★★
    Bosley said:

    I find it very suspect that the AI difficulty/speed/reaction time whatever we're calling it has been ramped up right before this new farming change....... :\

    Ha! They were hoping AI God Mode would be enough to get them dolla billz rolling in but alas, item farming was the antidote... :(
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    BosleyBosley Posts: 259 ★★★
    Every time the AI and/or the content gets tougher it promotes farming. They obviously don't see that......

    It's like they say don't hoard units or items (or anything lol), but then create the environment that requires and even promotes hoarding.
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    ThecurlerThecurler Posts: 865 ★★★★
    Just had something similar happen on Hazard Shift mini boss aw.

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    ThecurlerThecurler Posts: 865 ★★★★
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    DL864DL864 Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Look there were some issues bit once they ramped up the ai these issue are now 5× worse. I think a lot of what we are seeing is ai recovery is way to fast. What they are doing is impossible for any human to do yet kabam is worried about revive farming. Smh how bout stop tweaking the ai and fix bg bugs.
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    DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Posts: 72
    Manup456 said:

    I really want to know if anyone at Kabam actually plays this game for any extended period of time because it doesn’t seem that way to me. These AI and input issues are not device or OS specific so how they can’t see all these different issues in real time is beyond me.

    Exactly. I've been saying the same thing.
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    HERUHERU Posts: 121 ★★
    I've been reporting this kind of issue for a while now. I never heard any kind of reply from Kabam support! @Kabam Miike you did speak about "animation issues", but why does it happen with almost any champ, especially when close to the right side of the screen? It's like attackers' moves have lesser priority compared to CPU.
    This is incredibly frustrating for players and should be fixed as a top priority bug.
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    AlexMiloAlexMilo Posts: 57
    I sadly did not record it but I had Thing launch a special during my heavy as well. I was using mantis and wanted to heavy chain into L2 in battlegrounds. Similarly to this DDHK video, her first heavy hit made contact as it should but then Thing launched a special before the second hit could land.
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    DL864DL864 Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Still no answer on this I see.
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    Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Posts: 306 ★★★
    DL864 said:

    Still no answer on this I see.

    It’s all working as intended isn’t it? What’s the intention you ask? Let’s see… trash inputs, put AI in GOD mode (able to outright break fight mechanics, input sniff so it can react to your inputs before your champ can actually do them, and so on), and the final piece of the puzzle, take away easy access to consumables so you must pay to win. Sounds like a master plan to me but what do I know. 🫠
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    TaintoTainto Posts: 70
    Uhh btw, this has been happening for months on end. It’s not a new “bug we need to investigate with video evidence”. That’s laughable and weak af to pretend you didn’t know about it ….
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