Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Sinister Vaults TL;DR + Threat Level 5 Chest Rewards (Infographic)



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    Bungyman_BMBungyman_BM Posts: 45
    Phyco man & iron first - level 5 = x5 +1 6 star generic sig stones
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    Bungyman_BMBungyman_BM Posts: 45
    Prox midnight & psylock- level 5 = full t5 class crystal
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    Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Posts: 157
    I’m so confused about this SQ… I did two paths in Level 5 and got nothing. I haven’t gone back in, but I don’t think they will show as explored. What do I need to do now? Where is the safe?
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,237 ★★★★★
    I only got 2.8k t3a when I did the jubilee and punisher path and 2.8k t6b when i did the Deadpool and champion path - basically half of what's reported.

    Threat level 5 zone 3
    Hulk + king pin = 5k 6* shards
    Chavez + venom the duck = 5k cav shards
    Psychoman + Iron fist immortal = 5x1 6* sig stones
    Civil warrior + black widow = 250k gold
    Abom + punisher 2099 = safe and 500k gold
    Prox midnight + psylocke = t5cc full
    Deadpool classic + the champion = 4275 T6 basic

    Threat level 5 zone 3
    Hulk + king pin = 5k 6* shards
    Chavez + venom the duck = 5k cav shards
    Psychoman + Iron fist immortal = 5x1 6* sig stones
    Civil warrior + black widow = 250k gold
    Abom + punisher 2099 = safe and 500k gold
    Prox midnight + psylocke = t5cc full
    Deadpool classic + the champion = 4275 T6 basic
    Jubilee + og punisher = 6750 T3 Alpha
    Wish I had taken screen shots but i got roughly half of the t3a and t6b listed here but got the 5000 6*shards. Didn't realize i had gotten less than listed until i came in to the forum. Hopefully it was just a visual bug...
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    Magician1tMagician1t Posts: 5
    Hulk and Kingpin Lvl 4 gave me 5k mythic shards
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    Peairs420Peairs420 Posts: 60
    someone should post the lvl 4 rewards per lane so we can know where to spend the keys after we get everything out of lvl 5
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    Peairs420 said:

    someone should post the lvl 4 rewards per lane so we can know where to spend the keys after we get everything out of lvl 5

    The new graphics are here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/332996/sinister-vaults-tl-dr-threat-levels-3-5-rewards-zones-1-3-updated-infographics#latest

    I put them in a new thread so they’d hopefully be easier to find than buried in these later pages
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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
    Does anyone know if you take the exact same path a second time if you get the rewards again? Or are the rewards gone (even though the path doesn't have a solid line and thus appears unexplored). Thank-you!
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★
    Magonus said:

    Does anyone know if you take the exact same path a second time if you get the rewards again? Or are the rewards gone (even though the path doesn't have a solid line and thus appears unexplored). Thank-you!

    One time rewards, the chest at the end of the path should disappear once completed.
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    RedMalone247RedMalone247 Posts: 5
    edited April 2023
    Where can I find instructions on what to do in sinister vaults. I’ve got keys but none of them do ****. I don’t understand where to go or wtf to do. Kabam about to make me quit this game with this confusing ****! WTF!!!
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    RedMalone247RedMalone247 Posts: 5
    I’ve never been prompted to enter a code. Please, someone, explain this stupid side quest.
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    RedMalone247RedMalone247 Posts: 5
    How does everyone know how this gd vault quest work? Where did you see instructions? This **** is f’n impossible to figure out. I don’t get prompted to enter codes. What are all y’all talking about? All I get is one path available and sometimes I get something, sometime I get nothing. I’m about to quit this game over the complexity of this stupid ass side quest.
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    Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Posts: 435 ★★

    How does everyone know how this gd vault quest work? Where did you see instructions? This **** is f’n impossible to figure out. I don’t get prompted to enter codes. What are all y’all talking about? All I get is one path available and sometimes I get something, sometime I get nothing. I’m about to quit this game over the complexity of this stupid ass side quest.

    Its really not that difficult bro, each key gives an entry, each paths gives a certain reward(only once) at the end of one path in each zone u get a safe to crack with a code(code is found by beating objectives) once cracked it works for all difficulties and unlocks the next zone what is so difficult to understand about that?
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    Standardman1989Standardman1989 Posts: 544 ★★★
    Level 1 and 2 are there crystal shards of the month? If so, it's sure which way. Thanks
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    Lee99Lee99 Posts: 96
    Do we know if we are going to get all keys for all the side quests level 1 to level 5 ALL paths?
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    Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Posts: 462 ★★★
    Hey, do the Zone 4 codes release today? It's the 19th here....and if today, possibly at what time?
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    ValrozValroz Posts: 203 ★★
    Doing the lower tiers on my baby account and the stuff you get are not even of the same category of those in the Tier 5 difficulty.
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    Trafalgarwar96Trafalgarwar96 Posts: 466 ★★★

    Hey, do the Zone 4 codes release today? It's the 19th here....and if today, possibly at what time?

    10 pm
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    TyEdgeTyEdge Posts: 2,994 ★★★★★

    Hey, do the Zone 4 codes release today? It's the 19th here....and if today, possibly at what time?

    Literally the same time all content releases ever. 1pm eastern US time on Wednesday.
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