Alliance war rankings

Can we get some input as to why it is okay that the 3rd place alliance is taking rewards from other alliances that deserve it? NATH should be a platinum alliance at best, yet they will finish the season at the #3 spot because of kabam's matchmaking system. They had such an easy schedule compared to the rest of the masters bracket and they would lose to all 20 other teams in masters. They only faced 2 teams in masters and lost both by heavy margins. Meanwhile the alliances at the top of masters rematch each other twice a season causing losses for them while NATH just coasts to the 3rd spot with over 150 deaths in the season. For reference, the alliances in first and second have about 20 deaths total for the season. Why can't matchmaking be updated? It should be based on standings and standings alone and don't allow rematches. This current algorithm needs to be updated because this same situation has happened before. Not sure why Kabam has ignored it for this long
The matchmaking is really broken in AW and that's really bad for a competitive game mode like this.
I m in Salty Warriors and we were really working hard to get a shot to the podium this season but while we are matching GT40, JA, NewN each two times - NATH is easy sitting in Top 3 fighting Plat 1 alliances.
AW is such a great game mode and i don't mind putting a lot of work into it, staying deathless, spending units on big boosts and potions but this feels just wrong and like a waste of all the effort alliances like Salty, NewN or others put into it...
Just don’t allow a repeat of the same opponent within a season
Make it a 12 unique war rule (instead of 6 wars and then opponents can be repeated like it is now)
12 unique opponent seasons will make a difference and will let alliances at any level get the rank closer to what they deserve
Instead of losing to the same opponent twice or beating the same opponent twice within 12 season wars. Let alliances show their strength against different opponents, instead of 4-6 duplicate matches
Repeat matches in the same season are not only unfair but also not fun. They give seasons a Groundhog Day vibe
Descending Divisions, 13 alliances each, and have to “Enroll” for each season (to avoid including dead or dormant alliances who happen to still have high WR).
Division 1 — Top 13 alliances (top 13 by WR), Multiplier 10x.
D2 — WR alliances #14-26, Multiplier 9x.
D3 — WR alliances #27-39, Mult 8x.
Descending down and down, etc, Multiplier starting to be more fine-grained, descending in lesser and lesser increments.
During seasons, at much further down levels, where some alliance might start to become dormant mid-season, they could promote up a leading alliance from the next lower division to finish the season. And that would propagate all the way down, leading Ally in each next division gets bumped up mid-season. Etc. (but that probably wouldn’t ever happen up at the very top of the charts)
As others have mentioned above, I also think that removing repeated matches would be a good start to improve top war ranking. I don't see the point in getting the same opponent twice because in most cases it would be the same outcome twice. We fight at least 3 master opponents twice every season, sometimes more. Where is the fun in that? And how does that make sense?
Please, remove repeat matches and adjust matchmaking parameters so only the alliances that actually deserve masters stay there and match themselves.
I really hope it's at least something that it's being worked on behind the scenes for the future AW updates with 2 days attack and the other changes.
Just don't ignore this.