Who's cooler in your opinion-Scytalis or Bahamet?

That's an hard question... for me:abilities wise Bahamet is cooler for sure! Man can fire gamma flames from his mouth, clap his hands and fire a gamma blast on you, fire blast... he's very cool! But Scytalis... I just likr her concept more, beacuse it really "unleashed her animal side" I don't know how to describe this but you know... her name is Black widow, and its just a name nothing more than that, but here, Ouroboros actually gave the name more meaning by really kinda turning her into that. She's got all those cool spider claws and also the claws in her hands as u can see in the second picture... so yeah
Not really sure, I'm leaning for Scytalis

Not really sure, I'm leaning for Scytalis

Who's cooler in your opinion-Scytalis or Bahamet? 147 votes
I love both
The designs are not perfect, but they did heck of a good job at making "corrupted avengers" boss fights.
I'm eager to see the next boss
The corrupted version of Punisher and most likely the Chronoserpent to round off Act 8.
I actually made a prediction on this a few months ago. So far I’ve got Scytalis and Bahumut correct.
Besides think about the potential... more Corrupted champs
The Galactus storyline is moving at snails pace and I doubt Kabam would merge both since we’ve already seen Galactus and the Chronoserpent clash in MRoC (without knowing the results)
Maybe somehow their battle didn't end and now its rematch time? Maybe The Chronoserpant will want revenge, and he will spot Galan, and thinking its Galactus-will attack him?
Also I don't think u can compare him to Kang AT ALL, cuz The Chronoserpant has been there even before The Collector, he is the great evil force of the contest and the one who is responsible for The Maestro being so strong. If u have readed the story u could see Carina is VERY panicked of Ouroboros, and she almost told why... maybe something to do with The Collector? So thats The chronoserpant. And who's Kang? Just a competitor who dosent know his place, return for the 10000000th time and thought this time he can do something...
This is Cooler, Father of freeza.
I messed up...I brought shame.