Question about Valkyrie.....

All I read is she really needs her awakening.....and high sigs on top of that. Her ability basically lets her ignore unstoppable and be stun immune with bulwarks.....I mean.....those are great utilities, but they are not end all be all game changers like NF, Herc and many other awakened abilities ....Can someone familiar with Valk both unawakened and high sig explain to me what I am missing and why it is soooo important??? Any help making me understand would be greatly appreciated.
Valkyrie stops unstoppable effects at 11 hits (1 pierce) at max sig, or at 31 (can be shortened by alternating combo enders) hits (3 pierce) at sig 1.
She-Hulk needs to keep up heavies. CapIW needs kinetic charges. Shang-Chi needs to throw periodic double mediums. My memory could be serving me wrong, but to the best of my knowledge Valkyrie is the only champ that doesn’t need anything outside of just hitting the opponent (assuming her buffs don’t get nullified) to completely remove unstoppable effects.
At the end of the day her sig doesn’t impact her damage, but she really has no utility outside of her sig. She still hits like a truck through the block either way. I wouldn’t call her a high/max sig necessary champ, but the higher her sig the more manageable annoying unstoppable fights are.
Her sig gives her vital utilities that raise her to the next level in high difficulty content.
Her damage is right up there with everyone else.
Also, i don't know how much of the following is because mine is a r5 but i found her ridiculously tanky. So many hits and I was still coasting. And her damage is pretty great too
if you pulled her first time, and don't have an awakening gem, is not the end of the world. I used her unawakened for quite a bit, because all i have to do is hit into the opponent block and they will consistently go down and die due to mainly her pierce buff, and that ability by itself is a big deal. Now if you get lucky to dupe or have an awakening gem laying around, use one of her, but make sure you have at least 60 sig stones to use on her right away, that will allow you to build 3 pierce buffs and completely ignore unstoppable effects (buff and passive), at sig 120 you only need 2 pierce buffs and sig 200 you need 1 pierce buff to ignore unstoppable. Is that a great deal for you? if it is because Kabam just loves to make those unstoppable nodes and unstoppable abilities on champs, then she is your MVP, unless you come up with nodes with buffet, etc that punishes buffs, then you will have to use another option.
Good Luck.