Battlegrounds becoming unplayable?

Tinnr95Tinnr95 Member Posts: 70
Don’t get me wrong not everything is perfect but this season for battlegrounds is not great. Constant server issues, kicking me out of the game for me to lose matches when I have not even had a fight, constant loading screen with me closing the app and reloading it finding out I banned awful champs.

Surely it’s not me having these issues? Would love for Kabam to take notice of the current issues and actually resolve them. It’s only recently we’ve had connection issues.


  • Mtmkill_33Mtmkill_33 Member Posts: 22
    The main thing is money, and the problems themselves are solved or forgotten.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Sometimes if I hit ban champs and tap more than once it auto picks my first pick and skips right to the opponent.
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  • LordIgorekLordIgorek Member Posts: 60

    Awesome... another type of connection bug, two opponents just flying/running into each other. Of course elder mark used, and as it counts as a forfeit not even points for loss will be given.
    @Kabam Miike when it is planned to be fixed. And will there be a huge compensation package for this season, as players lose lots of points especially when using elder marks and your connection bugs kick in and take all the points away
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  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    I barely bother with the 600 trophy tokens. Everyone complains, promises are made for a wide variety of BG issues, time passes, nothing changes….

    My advice, find something else to like in the game. BG’s isn’t gonna do it for most players waiting for a brighter day of no bugs, matchmaking logic, modders under control, etc…
  • ItsyaboyStephy05ItsyaboyStephy05 Member Posts: 128 ★★
    Just had a match autopick Bishop for me when the right move was taking Archangel. Kabam really needs to get their f'ing devs on top of this. It's their most valuable gamemode, yet they give it zero care.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,170 ★★★★★
    This is the least fair game mode in the history of mobile gaming. Not at all an exaggeration.
  • DanxorDanxor Member Posts: 124 ★★
    This season has been the most buggy I have ever seen. Half the time I can't pick bans. Randomly my game goes on autofight and I can't turn it off because its not a feature of BGs. Just a frustrating experience all around. Not sure what all has happened but it feels like a huge step backwards from previous seasons.
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  • Buzerk1969Buzerk1969 Member Posts: 75
    Same, today... 4 matches on my main account, 4 on my Jr account. 3 fights that didn't want to engage. Had to restart the game, you get back in the fight with time elapsed. And then it ends in a lost. And of course, it froze during champs draw so ended up with a random pick from Kabam.

    Combine with a node selection that is awful, I really don't enjoy that mode anymore. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, well that mode hasn't been fun this month. I made it to the Gladiator Circuit every season/month. Well that's going to be a big pass this month as I'm stuck at Bronze 1 and based on the accounts I'm still facing, I'm not the only one.
  • AlfieLAlfieL Member Posts: 12
    I can't use elder marks to play BGs. When I click them the screen goes black and the game crashes. Are there any plans to fix this?
  • EMvEMv Member Posts: 23
    It is very strange! Everything is ok!
    Kabam Mike.
  • ItsyaboyStephy05ItsyaboyStephy05 Member Posts: 128 ★★
    Back here just to list some of the issues I've encountered the past hour.
    -Permanent connection issue supposedly, even though my internet is working perfectly fine.

    -The game not loading into a match when accepting, only to stay on a greyed out screen while the match plays out with me stuck on the Battlegrounds screen.

    -For some reason not allowing me to pick defenders because apparently it can't connect to the servers.

    -Not being able to enter a fight, resulting in an automatic loss.

    -Selecting a champ, pressing confirm, yet it not loading till 0 seconds and choosing a completely different champ.

    Battlegrounds is slowly starting to resemble modern fighting games on consoles. Complete **** netcode that just results in the players eating **** and losing to BS that's entirely out of their control.
  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★
    As previously said, BGs rewards are the only reason people keep coming back to it. Me included.

    However stuff like this has been CONSTANT. I'm past the point of even trying to progress in VT. Just no point. I win 2 games, and next 2 I have connection issues. You'd think it'd be sorted by now. Sure the cheaters have been a constant concern, but that doesn't mean ignore everything else.
  • Timmy2xsTimmy2xs Member Posts: 176
    No matter how many threads their are, they dont worry about it. They dont respond to it. They just count the money from last week. The AI is garbage, the connections r garbage, the cheaters are still everywhere and we still pay to play this game for some reason.
  • Lee99Lee99 Member Posts: 97
    Random selecting champs, can't parry, connecting issues passive ai its just so ridiculous.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    I just played a match where it glitched and auto banned champs, and auto picked my first 3 champs. Lucky I played a guy 3k prestige below me so it was an easy win, kinda felt bad.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Battlegrounds aren’t becoming unplayable.
    They are unplayable for many seasons now.
    Bugs, VT zero sum game structure and stupid matchmaking is a very toxic cocktail, that drain the fun and give frustration.
    I’m pretty sure most of the players are playing BGs solely for the rewards and not for having fun.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Battlegrounds has been a mess since its implementation into the Contest. Pretty sad. All that time and resources wasted by Kabam to add a buggy, broken game mode. Such a shame!
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 585 ★★★
    Fat Comp Should Be Expected For These Connection Issues
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  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    I couldn't choose my defense or the attack 😂 It's crying with laughter

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