Please nerf grandmaster he’s way too hard plus way too unit and time consuming. Please nerf his health and give less time between each challenge and give us more time to complete each challenge please, this is too hard.
The problem is the game made it too easy for people to pull a high star op champs and muscle through content without ever learning how to "git gud".
I'm a paragon and I shiver at fighting GM.
Practicing before you sink units into him. You can’t really buy victory so save your units until you’re comfortable with the fight. Finally it’s ok to take a long break. If you need weeks or even a month to work on your skills take the time. You’ll get there eventually. Good luck!
If there is something in particular you are struggling with then maybe elaborate and folks here can help out. There are tons of videos on YouTube, but I understand that all plans go out the window when you are getting punched in the face. Expect to have to practice if you are frustrated.
You can do it.
But act 7 kangs and act 8 scytalis, bahamet? Nah
They're much easier than grandmaster and gwenmaster
The fight is made to “force" you to learn things that you didn't need before, like intercepting or dexing specials. And that knowledge will be useful ahead. So, no need to nerf, but you have to keep trying until you get it. It's not designed to be done in the 1st attempt, unless you want to spend loads of units on it...