How can I get more units for suicide masteries?

Visonxry23Visonxry23 Member Posts: 7
So early when I started playing this game, I wasted tons of units on useless things like gm crystals. I'm trying to get the full suicide masteries as I have many suicide friendly champs. I've explored the first 4 acts and am currently exploring act 5. Where can I get more units? I need mostly carbonadiums


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    Arena, mostly. It's tough to get around that.

    The monthly Event Quest also has a fair number of units in the lower difficulties. You can always run the Classic Difficulty of the different Variants. Not only do you earn units, there are also quite a few mastery cores in there. None of the carbonadiums, I think, but if you still need some of the others on your way to the recoil tree, it might be worth a look anyway. Whether you need them or not, you'll pick them up as you explore the Variants.

    I would also suggest doing the daily 22h-events. Level Up, Hero Use etc. You get both a revive and some units in those, meaning you'll be less likely to use units for revives.

    Speaking of revives, it can be a good idea to run the Apothecary every once in a while. I usually do it when I have nothing else to do with my energy. You don't earn units in the Apothecary but just like with the daily events, the more revives you have, the less likely you are to spend units on them going forward.

    In the end, don't fret about having wasted units buying cavs. Everyone has fallen into that trap before. That was one of the main things that held me back when I first started playing the game. That, and spending units on revives (which is why two of my suggestions involve alternative ways to get them).

    Also: go for the Willpower mastery first, before unlocking anything in the Recoil tree. Running Recoil without Willpower is...not advised.
  • Visonxry23Visonxry23 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks man. Super helpful :)
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    No problem. Happy to help.
  • Clipz27Clipz27 Member Posts: 17
    There are many ways, but the best way is to grind arena but also doing all the other ways such as eq and stuff.. Arena gives a lot of units, and it’s how I unlocked suicides as well, and now I’m a Paragon but as well as a low $ spender.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★

    So early when I started playing this game, I wasted tons of units on useless things like gm crystals. I'm trying to get the full suicide masteries as I have many suicide friendly champs. I've explored the first 4 acts and am currently exploring act 5. Where can I get more units? I need mostly carbonadiums

    Easiest and most efficient way

    Break out that credit card 💳
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,175 ★★★★★
    Arena, and there is a mastery core deal that comes around every once in awhile. While incant remember if it costs real money, units or both, it is well worth it for the time you’ll save.
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