Should I open my first 5*?
Hey guys,
As the title says I am contemplating opening my first 5* crystal. My reasoning is that Sparky comes into the basic hero pool next month and I am not sure if I should wait.
I have just restarted MCOC and i only have 8 4*s with the notable heroes as Gwenpool ($1 Crystal) R1/10 waiting for skill cats, Rogue R3/30 (Undupe) Black Panther Classic R3/30 (Duped) Spiderman Classic R3/30 (Unduped).
If I open the crystal and get a mid - god tier unit it will help me progress and finish act 4 and help with Master modes of monthlys.
If you guys were in my position would you open it or save it for Sparky to be added or even blade feature in February?
Thanks for any advice that comes from this.
As the title says I am contemplating opening my first 5* crystal. My reasoning is that Sparky comes into the basic hero pool next month and I am not sure if I should wait.
I have just restarted MCOC and i only have 8 4*s with the notable heroes as Gwenpool ($1 Crystal) R1/10 waiting for skill cats, Rogue R3/30 (Undupe) Black Panther Classic R3/30 (Duped) Spiderman Classic R3/30 (Unduped).
If I open the crystal and get a mid - god tier unit it will help me progress and finish act 4 and help with Master modes of monthlys.
If you guys were in my position would you open it or save it for Sparky to be added or even blade feature in February?
Thanks for any advice that comes from this.
If you can wait, you should since you are aiming for that champ.
This is very true, I think I will open it as I have spoken to my alliance aswell. From pure progression stand point even an average hero would help soo much.
My first 5 star was a beast, and compared to other top 5 stars he’s average but when you compare him to 4 stars in general he’s really good, and has carried me through some difficult content. Most 5 stars are worth at least rank 2 also. Can’t wait to play around with my Gambit and good luck with your opening.
This game is a test of resolve at times.
Luke Cage. Brb necking self
I’d advise waiting...
So just open it and enjoy it for what it's worth, IF it's worth anything. LOL
I think sometimes people online, and in other venues tend to completely **** on certain champions for being absolute trash when in reality they still have some sort of a purpose. Luke Cage isn't the best but at least he's still a 5 star who's gonna help you out if you even just bring him to rank 2.
Lol... Very constructive considering this is all rng. I also stated that I wasnt waiting soley for a specifi champion just used blade as an example.
Yeah just sucks wasnt a useful champion un-awakened eg Iceman, Hawkeye, GP etc etc. However I wouldve loved a good 5* to take to R2 or even 3. Ive got T4BCC and an abundance of T1As i have like 6 in overflow luckily they are still 28 or so days.
My alliance is decent so hopefully rng blesses me and gives me some more Skill T4CCs and I can 5/50 my GP and use up some of my T1As
I got him too. It is not random... you have a high chance of getting one of the least used champs from your first I think (not saying always... just saying the odds are against us a bit I think).
Funny thing is hours before opening mine a few days ago I said I would get Luke Cage... sure thing I did. I think Luke Cage is like 50% for peple's first
I think he already did and got Luke Cage like me the other day. Man... having Luke Cage pop your proverbial cherry is probably as brutal in game as it would be in real life
Obviously didnt read the comments xD
Hey man, yeah it is unfortunate, im contemplating taking him to Rank 2 or 4* un-awakened spidey classic to Rank 4.
I have done a fair bit of research/peoples views that for me having such a small roster atm it is more promising for me to open up my crystals 4/5 asap to build it up. Also there are pretty decent heroes in the basic pool now that dont need to be awakened to be good.