Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Strange change in Alliance quest map 8

Hen4yHen4y Posts: 25
sorry, but I'm wrong or yesterday the defenders in aq were 6s? today 7s.....


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    HyperionHyperion Posts: 64
    Have I missed an announcement around 7* opponents in AQ?

    Surely if you are going to make a change that affects difficulty (I.e. reduced damage due to challenge rating differences) then you should be communicating this no?
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★

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    Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey there!
    Thanks for pointing this out.

    I chatted with the game team, they were already aware of the issue, it is limited to Map 8.

    They mentioned that the transition to 7-Star defenders was intentional, but not with the dramatically increased stats. The change was meant to be mostly a lateral move to 7-Stars, with nearly no substantial stat increase.
    The team is going to continue to dig into what happened here.

    We'll update when we're able.

    Is this going to be adjusted for the rest of aq week? As we already on day 2 have almost a mil health 2nd mini and bosses
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    HyperionHyperion Posts: 64
    Appreciate the response Jax. Surely though we should be given notice of this as with challenge rating even at a similar level, or AQ champs (assuming they are not 7*) will be doing less damage no?

    Already seeing issues with timeouts so we need proper notice and timescales so we can plan rankups and resources accordingly.
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    PirateJonPirateJon Posts: 82
    I timed out to kingGroot for the first time. Adjust his healpool.
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    RyanGolfRyanGolf Posts: 70
    7* rank three has a significant health pool increase on map 8. as others have pointed out we at a minimum should have been told.
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    Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Posts: 504 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike jax or any other admin. Can we get an answer regarding this if it gonna be fixed before aq starts today or not
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    GasHaulerGasHauler Posts: 175
    @Kabam Jax still waiting for some kind of update on this situation.
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    L8RdaysL8Rdays Posts: 26
    This is infuriating. The stupid AI is all over the place in Map 8 and we are now dealing with much larger health pools and attack values as a result of the 7* champs being dropped on us out of no where. Every time there is a change to AQ so many things seem to break.

    The vast majority of us already hate AQ and do it because we have to. Now it's longer and more frustrating, and in a shocking turn of events, we have been given no updates on the issue leading into the weekend. Good times.
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    It is been brought up with Kabam and they are looking at it. They are aware of the increased stats as well.
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    CdjcdkjCdjcdkj Posts: 67
    So when do expect a fix and compensation for extra items use and loss of 100% from this mistake
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    GasHaulerGasHauler Posts: 175

    It is been brought up with Kabam and they are looking at it. They are aware of the increased stats as well.

    Yes and we are aware that Kabam is aware of the problem as per the response… going on 36 hours ago.. sure we know by that, that they will be working on fixing the problem, but there could at least be some follow up response, to let us know if they will end AQ early or not, or to at least expect some kind of compensation. Since obviously they even admitted this error was not intended, it still is causing some players to have to unexpected items to continue fighting.
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    hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Posts: 2,190 ★★★★★
    Day 3 KG is 1m HP and Scorpion is 46k attack rating 😂.. but I guess it doesn't matter much beyond 30-40k attack tbh
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    Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,176 ★★★
    The health and attack stats increase are definitely more than the not so substantial stat change.
    We are regular map 8 alliance.
    Yesterday day 2 final boss toad was 825k+ health and attack reaching 40k. Earlier even on day 5 never saw toad at 700k health. Pretty sure this is substantial change?

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    GasHauler said:

    It is been brought up with Kabam and they are looking at it. They are aware of the increased stats as well.

    Yes and we are aware that Kabam is aware of the problem as per the response… going on 36 hours ago.. sure we know by that, that they will be working on fixing the problem, but there could at least be some follow up response, to let us know if they will end AQ early or not, or to at least expect some kind of compensation. Since obviously they even admitted this error was not intended, it still is causing some players to have to unexpected items to continue fighting.
    It doesn't look like AQ will be ended early. It is a tough round so I assume that kabam will have an update by end of aq
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    ChiSox_2005ChiSox_2005 Posts: 131
    @Kabam Miike is there any update? This is kind of crazy. Usually takes me roughly 100 hits to take down King Groot. Here I landed 140 hits & only took off 26%. He also took almost all of my health on just block damage.
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    ChiSox_2005ChiSox_2005 Posts: 131
    AND... My Hercules is KO'd on a timeout. What the flip!!! Now I have to revive.
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    StellarStellar Posts: 1,069 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey there!
    Thanks for pointing this out.

    I chatted with the game team, they were already aware of the issue, it is limited to Map 8.

    They mentioned that the transition to 7-Star defenders was intentional, but not with the dramatically increased stats. The change was meant to be mostly a lateral move to 7-Stars, with nearly no substantial stat increase.
    The team is going to continue to dig into what happened here.

    We'll update when we're able.

    Intentional but unannounced and with the increased stats they hit really hard now
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    Day 5 is going to be brutal. I don’t usually use any items in AQ but this week is likely to clean me out. The value of running Map 8 was always pretty marginal, given the modest increase in rewards for most alliances. With this massive increase in difficulty, running Map 8 is really not worthwhile.
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    GasHauler said:

    It is been brought up with Kabam and they are looking at it. They are aware of the increased stats as well.

    Yes and we are aware that Kabam is aware of the problem as per the response… going on 36 hours ago.. sure we know by that, that they will be working on fixing the problem, but there could at least be some follow up response, to let us know if they will end AQ early or not, or to at least expect some kind of compensation. Since obviously they even admitted this error was not intended, it still is causing some players to have to unexpected items to continue fighting.
    It doesn't look like AQ will be ended early. It is a tough round so I assume that kabam will have an update by end of aq
    Don’t hold your breath for an update by the end of AQ. Day 5 starts Sunday. Kabam don’t interrupt their weekends for anything.
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    Hen4yHen4y Posts: 25
    edited May 2023
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey there!
    Thanks for pointing this out.

    I chatted with the game team, they were already aware of the issue, it is limited to Map 8.

    They mentioned that the transition to 7-Star defenders was intentional, but not with the dramatically increased stats. The change was meant to be mostly a lateral move to 7-Stars, with nearly no substantial stat increase.
    The team is going to continue to dig into what happened here.

    We'll update when we're able.

    Jax c’mon

    See this, it’s really much for aq

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    HyperionHyperion Posts: 64
    edited May 2023
    @Kabam Miike do you have any input into this. The level of communication on this thread is appalling and surely compensation is due. Any basic analysis of your data will surely show additional item usage, timeouts (costing half health) and deaths on Map 8 this series.
    Nothing huge, just additional revives, potions and a small amount of glory for those that had to use glory to buy revives.

    This is common sense now surely?
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    StellarStellar Posts: 1,069 ★★★★
    edited May 2023
    And the ia is intercepting us more often than before
    We using way too much items where we used to use few before.

    It’s as if kabam wanted to launch AQ9 with 7R3+ without saying it
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